Chapter 36- Sinking Sun

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*Cara's POV*

We stood there entangled with each other while the water splashed around us. I let out a squeal of surprised as I was drenched in water. I looked up to try to get a glimpse of my attacker, but only to find Ava. She was leaning over the edge of the the boat, holding a bucket.

"You guys seemed like you needed to cool off." She smirked down at us. "But seriously. Stop the mushy mushy shit. It's gross."

"oh grow up Ava." I yelled up to her while wringing out my drenched hair.

"Im older thean you!" She argued with me.

"Whatever." I said then tried to leap through the water which didn't really work, since I almost fell on my face. I finally got to the boat and climbed up the latter. I grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around myself. "Wassup?" I asked everyone who was on the boat while taking a seat.

"I want to go tubing." Ava said while tossing me a mountain dew(best pop ever btw).

"Ya sure. We can do that. I am the tubing master if you didn't know" I said with a sarcastic flip of my hair. "Let's go."

We went tubing for a bit. I never fell off of course, even when Noah tried to throw me off but ended off falling off himself.

"Nice job babe." Nick said as he lifted me into the boat.

He handed me a towel then we headed back to the beach. "Thanks. I thought I was going to loose it for a sec but I covered it." I smiled then tossed the towel on the ground.

Once we got to shore I went onto the pontoon boat and ate lunch. After a while of just partying a couple more boats showed up. Including one with a slide. "Hey does anyone want to come with me to ask if we can go down their slide?" I asked once I shoved the rest of my sandwich down.

"Sure, I'll come." Announced Ava, who is always up for an adventure.

"Nick, we are going over to use their slide, see you later." I yelled over to him. He only gave me a simple nod before going back to his heated discussion with Chandler, that I would ask about later.

"Need a lift?" A guy asked as we got to their latter. He reached a hand out and hauled me up.

"Thanks." I breath, exhausted after the swim over. Ava climbed up after me and joined us in the conversation. "So we were wondering if we could use your slide?" I asked politely.

"I don't know. Can you?" Was his smart response.

"I don't know, can I? That's why we came over to ask." I snapped back, putting my hand on my hip.

"Sassy. Ya sure, come on." He said before leading us some more steps.

On our way up I got a glimpses of their boat. It was a lot like a big bachelor party. There were guys everywhere and some of them we pretty happy to see some actual girls. But I ignored them and kept follow Ashton.

"Here you go." He said gesturing to the slide.

"Me first!" Ava yelled, pushing me out of the way.

"So what brings you to the lake?" Ashton asked, leaning against the rail.

"My boyfriend. He needed a break from work and all the stress." I said while watching Ava slide down.

"Ah cool. What's his name? Maybe I know him." He asked casually.

"Nick Stone." I answered.

Something flashed behind his blue eyes but he quickly covered it. "Hm doesn't ring a bell." He answered in his usual voice. "You know, if your out here with your boyfriend I know a place where tons of couples like to go. I can show it to you."

"Sure that would be cool." I said before diving down the slide.

After going down the slide for a while, Ava headed back over and me and Ashton headed off. We went walking through the woods in silence for almost the whole way.

"Well here we are." Ashton leaned up against a tree and watched me closely.

We were on a huge cliff that was cleared of all trees and was left with grass. I could see the sun sinking in the horizon. I walked closer to the edge and looked down. It dropped down into the lake and I could just barely see a couple of rocks peaking out of the water.

"It's beautiful. Nick would love it." I spoke in a small voice.

"You think? Ya probably." Ashton made me jump when he showed up out of no where next to me. "Does he ever talk about work? What he knows? His secrets?"

I looked at him cautiously. "No..." I said carefully. "I should go." I turned to go but my hands were caught as a hand grapped them.

Ashton pulled me to the edge of the cliff. He held me right on the edge. A small push and I would be scattered across the rocks.

"I already know who you are and what you are. I also know about Nick. Now I will ask you again. What do you know about his work?" He snapped at me.

I looked over my shoulder down at the water. It seemed like miles away now. My heart was racing in my chest. Any sudden movement and I would be over the edge. I looked up into his fierce eyes and choose my fate.

"I'm not telling you anything." I snarled at him.

He rolled his eye and chuckled. "Fine." He laughed.

And then I was falling. The waters surface was closing in. I sucked in a breath and braced myself for the end.

My body smacked the water and I slowly sank into the depth. I felt no pain or loss of air. I had simply accepted my fate.

A suden breath of air was gulped into my lungs as I broke surface. I had lived! Next thing I knew I was being pulled out of the water.

My wrists were pulled behind me and then I heard a click. I tried to pull them but they were restrained. In the daze I looked up to see and man walking up to me. I could feel the hard surface of the floor under my knees. Everything came to me then.

"Sweet dreams sweet heart." The stranger said to me.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck. And then my head was on the floor. Right as the sun sank into the horizon.

Alright! I finished that up. Your all probably like why would you end off like that! Well I did. Sorry! I'm going to try to update soon.

Vote and comment plz!

Every time I get a vote or comment that just makes me type faster so clicky on the buttons and I will update!

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