Chapter 38- Chains

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*Cara's POV*

I woke up but I kept my eyes shut for a while. Everything had came back to me. After I had fully determined that there was no one else in the room I opened my eyes and sat up.

The room was actually pretty nice. There was no windows in it though. I was on a big bed that smelled and looked like it was never used. There was a shelf full of books and a small chair. There was a desk and a chair for writing.

On either side of the bed there was a small table. One of the tables had a plate of freshly made eggs with a bowl of fruit and a glass of water next to it.

It all seemed a little to perfect for my liking. I got up and walked around a little bit. There was a door leading to a bathroom.

I took a quick look around the bathroom then went out into the bed room. I tip toed over to the main door. I slowly and as quietly as I could turned the knob. But of course it was locked.

I let out a huff of frustration. I walked over to the self and tried moving it but it wouldn't budge. I tried to reach out with mind linking to anyone but go figure, it was blocked too.

My eyes locked on the door as I heard someone open it. A guy stepped in, maybe one or two years older than me. He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He was pretty well built but Nick still could crush him with one hand. He had an innocent look to him that made you feel like you could trust him.

"Who are you?" His gaze shiftd to me once I spoke.

"It's ok. I am just here to entertain you I guess." He said softly. "I don't really know myself."

"Did I ask you what you were doing?" I asked harshly. "No. I asked who are you."

"Oh sorry. I am Daniel." He said holding out his hand towards me.

I glanced at it quick. "You better move that away from me or you are going to loose it."

"Ok ok. Sorry." He said raising his hands in surrender.

"I don't take kindly to sarcasm. Now where am I?" I asked while trying to maneuver towards the door.

He paused before answering. "I'm not aloud to tell you that. And the door is locked."

I let out a growl of frustration before walking over to the platter of food. I picked up the fork. "You would be smart to stop talking to your pack right now." I said staring at him while spinning the fork in my hand.

"Um ok." He said quietly. "Why haven't you eaten?"

I glared at him. "Maybe because I was taken for no reason and am now locked in a room with someone my dog is smarter than."

"Ouch that one hurt." He winced. "Anyways you should eat. You need to keep up your strength."

"Why?" I asked but he didn't answer. "You eat some." I commanded handing him the plate.

"Gladly I'm starving." He said while taking a bite. "It's not poisoned if that's what you were thinking."

I snatched the plate away from him and started taking small bites. I examined every corner of the room. With now pay off. The room had no weakness. I looked up at Daniel, he was obviously mind linking with someone.

"Come on. I am supposed to take you to your meeting." He said pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

"No way." I snapped at him.

He took a step toward me, but I shifted before he could reach me. Well I tried to at least. I collapsed to the floor as my body contorted in pain. Searing pain pulsed through my body as I squirmed on the floor.

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