Chapter 3- What just happened?

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Ok so I have Cara's pic on here too now so you can check out the pretty gurl :)

*Cara's POV*

----two days later. (saturday)----

I was so excited when Ava told me I was to meet the pack. I was in the car with my mom as she drove me to her house. we drove up and I jump out of the car.

"see you next week mom bye." I called as I ran to Ava's door. I knocked and she let me in right away. My parents were going to my grandparents cabin for a week so I would be staying at Ava's all week. So they thought. I was actually going home tomorrow. I was just coming back when my parents got back so they would think I stayed here the whole time.

"we will wait for a hour till we leave." Ava said.

we waited around talking. she told me how to act around the pack. and to not get in any fights. the clock finally reached twelve. we both got up and put on our shoes. I followed her down the road then onto a trail that went into the forest. we broke of onto a smaller trail.

we walked into a huge meadow. there were wolves in human form and wolf. There was a large black wolf, with a brown under coat, and grey eyes standing in the middle of a crowd.

"Nick" Ava yelled to him. he got up, shifted, and walked over to us. "this is Cara."

"Ah. the new pup. I'm the future alpha. but you will never get to that high of ranking." He said while scanning over me.

"You don't know that." I said looking him straight in his now brown eyes.

"Even so how are you planning to do that?" He asked with some grit in his voice. He stepped forward so I had to look up at him. We were inches apart.

"I will fight you. Don't underestimate me. I many not be as big or strong, but I will get there. So you better watch your back"

Suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him for a kiss. There was so much passion that I couldn't belive it. Or understand what was happening till he let me go and walked away.

"what the hell was that!" Ava ran up to me.

"I-i don't know." I said watching him walk away.

Ava brought me around and let me meet everyone. I only remember some of their names. Ava said there is only one person I haven't met yet.

"Noah!" she yelled at a wolf that was walking by. he looked almost exactly like Nick.

"hey your the girl who kissed my bro!" he yelled and walked over to me. "why the hell did you do that for? you have no right to do that."

I saw his muscles tensed. He swung at my face. I caught his arm in my hand.

"you can do better then that." I said looking at him.

I hooked his leg with mine and pulled him to the ground. he pulled me down with him. He rolled so he was on top of me. I brought my knee up and hit him square in the stomach. I pushed him off and jumped to my feet. I kicked him hard in the ribs. he rolled away then shifted into wolf form. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't shift yet. I took a step back.

Noah lunged at me. before he got to me a wolf that looked a lot liked him tackled him mid leap. they wrestled around a bit till the bigger one pinned him and growled. he got off of Noah and shifted. The other wolf turned out to be Nick. they were twins I guess. Nick grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from everyone.

He dragged me all the way to a shed and shut the door. he turned around so I was up against the wall. his hands were on either side of my head so I couldn't escape.

"didn't you feel something in that kiss?" he asked me looking over my face.

"yes I did. I felt someone I had never seen before in my life kiss me." I said and glared at him.

"no but we are mates! isn't your wolf telling you that?" he said slightly getting angry.

"I haven't shifted yet." I said. "look you seen like a..... nice guy, but I'm not going to say you my mate till my wolf says so."

He growled. he kissed me again. this time running his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entry.

I pushed him away and stormed out.

Chapter tres is up! Omg what just happened? He did what?! Oh yes he did. Sorry but this is like my dream guy <3


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