Chapter 41-Strangers

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Hey guys I just realized that my last chapter was my 40th chapter! Go me!

*Ava's POV*

I glanced over at Cara. She was gazing out the window at who knows what.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Fine." She said not looking at me still. "So you and Daniel are mates?"

"How did you know?" I asked her in shock.

She kept staring out the window before mumbling "Just a feeling."

"Ok well its not happening anyways. I will never forgive him for doing that to you." I said tightening my grip on the wheel. "Hows your arm?"

"It's fine." She mumbled again.

"Stop lying to me." I growled at her before pulling into the doctors office. I got out and opened the door for her. She jumped out and walked right in.

"I don't need to be to a doctor, I'm fine." She said.

I rolled my eyes before opening the door for her.

"Luna." Doctor Murphy said while picking up Cara's good hand. "Come this way." He said before leading her away.

I followed on their heels as we walked down the hall. We walked through a small waiting room. "Stay here everyone." He said before walking through some doors with Cara. Two nurses followed in pursuit.

I looked around at everyone in the room. It was Noah, Chandler, Krissa, Tanner, and a guy I had never seen before. He was tall, probably taller than Nick. He had dark brown hair and dark forest green eyes. He was wearing a tight black shirt to show off his muscles and a dark pair of jeans.

"Who are you?" I growled at him taking a protective stance.

He stood up and took an aggressive step toward me. Then crossed his arms over his chest. He seemed to be in his early twenties. "Could ask you the same thing."

"I am Ava. I have every right to be here. Unlike you." I snapped at him.

"I have every right to be here. More than you do!" The man yelled stepping forward towards me.

"Woah man! Chill." Noah said while coming between us along with Chandler. "Ava meet Jason. Cara's brother."

"Her brother?!" I yelled. "Since when does she have a brother!"

He took a step back and relaxed his muscles. "Left home at 12 to move to Colorado to live with my uncle. She was only 8 when I left. Didn't take it very well. To make it worse I wasn't able to call home much so me lost touch." I explain everything to me.

I took a quick breath trying to grasp the whole idea. "Why did you leave?"

He ran his fingers through his hair before sitting and answering my question. "Training. I went there to get the best training that anyone could get. My uncle is a very powerful alpha in Colorado, but his son was killed by a rogue and is very strong on blood. That pack was ran by the same family for generations so I went out to take over."

"And so I did. Of course I am also big on blood too, so I kept an eye on Cara. Then one day I got a message saying my sister was caught hanging around q certain alpha with a pretty bad rep. I knew this was happen. I knew she would get hurt." He growled the last part while gripping the chair hard till I heard small cracks.

Right before I could say something Dr Murphy walked out. "Alright everyone our Luna is live and well. One broken arm, small knife wound under the ribs, small cut on her face only needs stiches for that and cut around her left leg. But she is healing quickly."

"Wait." Jason growled. "Did you say Luna!?" He yelled jumping to his feet.

"Dude calm down. I thought you knew she and Nick were together." Noah said trying to hold him back. I leaned back in my chair wanting to watch this.

"I knew they were together but I didn't know that he made her Luna. This changes everything!" He growled pushing Noah off of him.

"Why does this change everything?" I asked leaning forward in my chair.

"I was going to take her back with me. Now I can't." He said taking a step away from Noah.

"What about your other sister?" I asked suspiciously.

"Only our mom was a wolf. And she became a rogue. Only me and Cara got the wolf gene. Cara has alpha blood in her from as far back as you can go. She is so much more than you can expect. You can't handle it." He said while looking distantly out the window. "And she doesn't even know."

I was about to speak ask some more questions but the door open and Cara walked in. Her hair covered her face and she kept her eyes on the ground. She had a blue cast around her arm and was limping even more on her leg.

"Cara." Jason said while slowly walking towards her.

She finally looked at him. A flash of something came across her face but she quickly covered it. She took a quick step away from him. "You left me."

"I didn't know you were a wolf. Or I would have stayed." Jason tried to convince her but she only got angrier.

"That shouldn't mean anything. You still left." She turned her back towards him and looked distantly out the window.

"Come on. Let's get you home." Noah walked over to her and took her good arm and lead her out. I quickly followed as did everyone else.

We went over to Nick and Noah's house. Lead Cara down the hall and opened to door for Nick's room. She stood in the door way looking at everything first. Then she walked in and shut the door behind her.

"Cara, we can't help you until you tell us what's wrong." I called to her through the door. But she never answered. She just get shutting me out.

Boom! Brother! Never saw that coming now did you? No you didn't and if you did then.... Then that's kinda creepy. Anyways hope you liked it!

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