Chapter 8- Mine, All Mine

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*Nick's POV*

Once Cara closed the door I scooped her up in my arms and started kissing her. I was so happy that we finally both felt the same way towards each other. I laid her down on her bed. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue requesting entrance. She wouldn't let me in though. I let out a small growl. "You are mine." I growled. "I don't like when what is mine won't let me in." With those last words I reached down a grasped her butt. She let out a gasp of surprise which I quickly used to my advantage, I invaded her mouth exploring every part of it. I put my hand under her shirt and rubbed small circles with my fingers. She let out a moan which made me smile. I traced her jaw then made my way down her neck.

"What are you doing?" She asked between moans.

"Making sure everyone knows you are mine." I said then started to make my mark on her. She gasped with pain but soon let out moans of pleasure. I then made my way back up to her mouth. She kept moaning. "Keep on like that and I won't be able to control my wolf much longer." I said. I made my way higher with my hand till I reached her bra. I started rubbing along the seam teasing her just enough to make her start moaning again. I smiled with pleasure. My wolf wanted to claim her so badly but I know I shouldn't. Yet I was still loosing control. My other hand was on here lower back and was tracing the seam of her shorts now. Her hand reached down and stopped me before I went any farther.

"Don't." She rolled us over so she was sitting on top of me. She ran her hand down along my chest and then to my abbs, but stopped there. She leaned down and gently kissed me on the lips. "Time for bed." She said then laid down next to me. I couldn't help but growl. I went to bed to though. I would do what ever she said.

(Next day)

I heard a noise down stairs but didn't get up. I wrapped my arms protectively around Cara.

"Cara." I heard Ava call.

"Maybe she is asleep." I heard Noah's voice. I heard the click of the door opening. "Cara have you seen-"

Ava let out a squeal. Cara jumped out of bed at the noise. "What? What is it?" She said in a drowsy voice but still ready for anything.

"Your were in bed with Nick!" Ava particle yelled at her.

"Oh. Yeah." She said walking past them and coming out with a sweat shirt. Then she pulled it over her.

Noah all of a sudden grabbed for her neck. I growled a sat up in bed. "You marked her?" He asked with surprise while looking at her neck.

I got up and wrapped my arm around her waist. "I don't want anyone touching what is mine." I growled then gave him a push back.

"What's yours?" He asked.

"Mine." I said, then pulled her closer to me and breathed in her scent.

"I shifted last night. I found out Nick is my mate." She said looking up into my eyes. She had dark green eyes that were like the pine tree.

"Well come on then. We got to tell our parents!" Noah said.

I groaned then pulled Cara back into bed with my. "I think I rather just stay here." I said then started to kiss her neck.

"Oh come on! I want to meet your parents!" She said then pulled away from me. She walked her fingers across my abbs and up to my chest. "Please?" She said and gave my the puppy dog face.

"Ok fine." I said reluctantly. I couldn't say no to her.

"Man, your whipped bro." Noah said with his signiture devil smile.

We walked up the steps to my house. Cara was in war at how big it was. I wrapped my arm around her waist protectively then opened the door and walked in. My mom immediately rushed over to me.

"Nick your back! Where have you been? I was so worried. Who is your friend here? Is she your mate?! Honey! Nick found his mate!" She said then rushed into the kitchen to get dad.

"Mom, dad, this is Cara. My mate." I said slowly.

"Nice to meet both of you." She said shaking their hands. My mom grabbed her hand and dragged here into the living room. Away from me. I went to follow them but my brother and dad stood in my way. They both had their arms crossed.

"You marked her?" My dad asked.

"Yes I did. She is mine and only mine. No one else but me gets her." I growled.

"Did you claim her?" Noah asked.

"No." I said. My dad rolled his eyes. "Ok look. She is my mate and I will go as fast or as slow as I want." I said then pushed my way through them. Cara was sitting in the couch with my mom talking. She smiled when she saw me walk in.

"Ok mom that is enough. We best be going now." I said pulling Cara to her feet.

"Oh but you will come to dinner right?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." I said while walking away.

"Ok, it's in two hours."she said.

Two? I thought in my head then looked at the clock. It was already almost four. We had slept in really late.

Chapter ocho! I have so many idea flowing through my head right now. Wonder what I will to next??? Well wait and find out!


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