Chapter 13- Romance

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*Cara's POV*

"Bye" I whispered to Nick. He released me then walked to the door. He turned back and waved, then left.

"So how was your date?" My dad asked.

"It was great! We talked for hours. It was never boring and he is so nice." I said leaning against the wall. "Well I'm going to bed, night." I dashed upstairs and jumped onto my bed. I sat in my room and put my hair up int a messy bun. I heard my dad go up to his room, then his bear like snores. I got up and put on my boots. I walked over to the window. I popped off the screan then jumped out on the roof. I jumped off and shifted in mid air.

I soon saw the lights of Nicks house. I shifted then walked up and knocked on the door. I heard some talking then the door opened. Noah stood there wearing just his boxers.

"oh Cara. Come to see me?" He asked with a smirk.

"More like your brother. Like all girls that come over." I said then pushed past him.

"Ouch that hurt." He said. "well anyways, we were in the living room watching a movie."

I walked into the living room and jumped over the couch. Nick was in his boxers too.

"Hey babe. I didn't know you were coming over." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah and I didnt know it was a guy thing to sit in boxers and watch a movie." I laughed. "So what movie?"

"SAW" Noah grinned. "Hope you wont get scarred."

"I could say the same for you. I'm not scarred of anything." I said.

"Why dont we just skip the movie and go right to bed." Nick said while kissing my neck and lightly nipping his mark lightly. I had to bite my tongue so i wouldnt let out a moan. Ecspecialy when Noah was around. He would never let it go if me and Nick started to make out. No matter how much my wolf was begging me to kiss him. "Yeah that's what I thought." He said reading my mind. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room.

"You really need to clean your room." I said jumping onto his bed. He walked over and layed down on his back on the bed. I walked my finger up him, then started rubbing his neck. "Thank you for a wolderfull night." I whispered.

"I bet I can make it better." He said then pulled me onto him so I was stradling him.

"prove it." I said.

He pulled me down onto him and started kissing me. He rolled us over so he was on top.

I stretched my legs and felt Nicks sturdy arms around me. "Nick, I have to get home." I heard him grumble something before he opened his arms. I got up and put on my shoes.

"why do you have to go so early" he asked while sitting up.

I ran my eyes across his abbs then up to his face. "my dad wouldn't want me here. I have to get back before he wakes up." I said then walked out the door. Noah was passed out on the couch. once I got outside and out of sight I shighted and ran off.

Wow Cara sneaking off to see the bf, so devious, so me ;)
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