Chapter 17- Torn Away

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*Cara's POV*

Nick parked the truck in the parking lot of a classic dinner. It was cute, it was my kind of place. He got out and ran over to open the door. I jumped down onto the hard pavement then took his hand and walked inside.

We walked in and were met by several smiling faces.

"Hi Nick, how is it going?" I someone said behind me as we sat down. I looked ovrr my should to see who spoke. She was a tall skinny blond who kept snapping her gum. She wore a short skirt with tall pink Barbie heels. She did remind me of Barbie. I looked back over at Nick to see what he thought of her. He said a unreadable expression on his face as he scanned her with her eyes.

"It's going well." He finally said.

"I haven't seen you for a while. What happened?" She asked while walking over to him. Her heels clicking on the floor making an irritable sound.

"I've been busy." He said.

"With what?" She asked with another snap of her gum.

He glanced over at me. "Stuff."

"Ok then. What can I get you."

We both ordered our meals, I didn't even bother trying to get something healthy. The girls name was tiffany. She barely took her eyes off of Nick to take our orders.

"So who was that?" I asked once she walked away.

"Just a old friend." He said causally.

I glared at him. "Friend? She doesn't seem like the type."

"Just a friend." He said I grabbed my hand for reassurance. I sighed. "Plus I came here to be with you."

I nodded finally.

When tiffany came back with our food I may have 'accidentally' spill my mountain dew on her.... It was great. Nick didn't stop laughing till she ran away screaming.

Once we finished eating Nick slapped some money on the table then wrapped his arm around my waist a led me out. I am pretty sure he payed way to much but oh well.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he swerved out of the parking lot. "Is it another surprise?"

"Yep!" He said pressing on the gas.

"Ugh why is it always have to be a surprise?" I whinned.

"Because its better." He shrugged.

He took a sharp right turn onto a dirt rode then totally went off roading. He slammed on the breaks then hopped out and took my hand. We were a few yards away from a small river. There was soft grass that flowed around my feet.

"Where are we?" I said in awe glancing around. Noticing how the moon shimmered on the water. I slipped off my shoes and walked over to the shore.

"It's just a cool place I thought you would like." Nick said casually while putting his hands in his pockets. I stepped into the surprisingly warm water. Little minnows swam around my ankles. I stepped out of the water and skipped over to Nick.

"This is awesome." I said then hugged him. He hugged me back but didn't let me go. We laid down together on the soft grass and looked up at the stars.

We laid there for a while till we heard some trucks drive up. Nick sat up and growled. Five males and two females got out and walked towards us.

"Nick, sorry to interrupt your date. SunShadow pack is attacking. We need you." One of the biggest males said.

Nick jumped to his feet. "Ryan take her home." Nick said to one of the other males. He turned and kissed my head then walked off leaving me.

He never said good bye.

Ok personaly if I was Cara I would refuse to leave Nick, but that doesn't work out with my next chapter.
Vote and comment amigos!

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