Chapter 39-GoodBye

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*Nick's POV*

I winced again as the whip came down on my bare chest. I still refused to make a sound. I could feel blood streaming down my body, but I pushed the thought out of my head. The only thing that was keeping me alive right now was Cara.

The whip cracked in the air before coming down on me once again. "I'm going to ask you one last time to tell us so you better start talking." One of the men said.

"Show me Cara." I growled at them.

"Alright come on. This is going no where." The guy with the whip said.

"Fine. Lets go." The other guy said.

The guy with the whip whipped off the blood before hanging it up and walking out the door. The other followed and turned off the lights. I leaned my head back against the cold wall. I let my muscles relax and shut my eyes. This was not supposed to happen.

I stood there for maybe a hour before I heard a group of people nearing the door. The door opened and the lights turned on but I kept my eyes shut. I really didn't care what they did to me.

"Nick!" I heard Cara yelled. My eyes flashed open as she ran over to me. Right away she latched on to me but that only made the wounds throb. "Oh my god." She whispered as she examined the marks. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Did they hurt you?" I asked urgently as I examined her.

"No. I'm fine." She said still looking at my cuts.

"Alright that's enough." One of the guards said before pulling her away. I growled at him. "Quiet. Now you saw her and now you are going to tell us what we want."

"Not till you let her go." I snarled at them.

"I don't think you quite understand this." Carter said while stepping forward. I despised him since he betrayed my parents. A guard put handcuffs on Cara then held her a few feet away from me. Carter walked forward till he stood in between us. "You do what I tell you or she gets hurt." He said as he took out a knife.

I growled as he grabbed her around the waist. She tried to pull away but the guard had a tight hold on her. Carter brought the knife too her stomach. He took one look at me before slowly pushing in. Cara held a totally straight face as she glared back at him.

"Oh such a brave girl." Carter whispered to her as he brought his face close to her.

And then Cara did something that I wasn't expecting. She brought her head right down onto his. He stumbled backwards as she hooked leg around the guy who was holding her. She brought her hands out in front of her and kicked one guy before grabbing him around the neck making the other punch his own guy. She took the other guy too the ground and broke his arm with a snap. Another guy lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. He pinned her down but she brought her leg up and kneed him in the stomach. She jumped to her feet and kicked him hard in the face, which made a loud crack.

"Cara watch out!" I yelled to her as Carter grabbed her arm. He pulled it down and brought his knee down onto it. I heard Cara gasped as it snapped. "Stop. Please stop. I will tell you everything just please let her go!" I begged him as I watched in pain as she cradled her arm.

A guy came and gently brought Cara to her feet then lead her to a chair to sit down. "Fine. Start talking." Carter side while whipping off his hands like what he just did was nothing. And for him it probably was.

"Let her go first. Let me call Ava to come get her." I pleaded to him again.

"Fine but we will meet her half way. And you better to tell her to come alone and not attack us or your little mate will be dead. Got it?" Carter demanded and I quickly agreed. "Good. Daniel, take Cara to her room and do something with her arm."

I watched longingly as the guy named Daniel lead Cara away. She was still holding her arm and sent me a quick look before leaving. "Here. Call her. Tell her to meet us at the ghost field." Carter instructed as he handed me a phone.

I quickly dialed her number and waited for a answer, which was almost immediately.

"Ava its Nick." I talked quickly.

"Nick! Where are you? Did you find Cara? Do you need back up?" She asked quickly and started to ask more questions.

"Ava I have to make this quick. Go to the ghost field to get Cara. No one else, just you. And no getting into fights or they will kill Cara. She has a broken arm too so call the doctor and tell him to be ready." I explained quickly.

"Ok I just left. Be there in ten. What about you?" She asked.

"Don't worry about me. Just make sure Cara is safe. That's all that matter. And-and tell her I'm sorry and I love her. This is probably goodbye." I said quietly before hanging up.

Ok just like I said a quick upadate. But a sad ending. Dont worry this isn't the last chapter. but we're getting there. Hope you liked it.

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