Chapter 26- Luna

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*Cara's POV*

I couldn't help but blush when he called me a goddess. I probably looked like an idoit. He kept staring at me and I tried to hide behind my perfectly curled bangs.

He walked over to me and tucked my hair behind my ear and lifted up my chin.

"Don't hide that beautiful face from me." He whispered while gazing into my eyes longingly.

I smiled up at him then gave him a peck on the lips.

Ava cleared her throat. "Ok love birds we better go unless you want to miss your own ceremony."

"Oh right of course!" Nick said before grabbing my hand and leading me to his truck. He ran ahead and opened my door for me and helped me up.

I saw Noah go to opened Ava's before she snapped at him. "Ain't no little kid I can get my own damn door." I looked over at her to see her smirking so she was obviously joking.

After a long drive we pulled up to a huge mansion. There was a huge driveway with cars parked all the way down. There was a fountain that had lights on it so the water would change colors. There was I paved sidewalk up to the house with had two big doors, taller than three of me.

"Welcome to the pack house." Nick whispered in my ear as he snaked his muscled arm around my waist.

There were two gaurds at the door who bowed their heads at us. Then stepped up and opened both doors for us. We had a perfectly grand entrance. Until I slipped because of my stupid heels. Several people o didn't know rushed forward to help me, but Nick waved them off.

"Everyone please be in the back yard in 5 minutes." Noah stepped forward and ordered everyone around. "You might as well go find seats now. The first two rows are reserved. You would have already been informed if your seat is reserved." Once he was done speaking everyone started breaking apart and heading outside.

Someone knocked into my shoulder almost making me fall if it wasn't for Nick's arm around my waist.

"He watch it." Nick growl at the guy taking a threatening step towards him.

"Nick relax. I'm sure it was an accident." I said while laying a hand on his chest. He glanced down at me and then the skinny blond boy.

"Scram." He grunted.

Ava laughed. "Do you know how many pack mates wouldny have been beaten up if he found you earlier? I don't know either because I lost count."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure they deserved it."

"No. Not really." She said. "Well we better find our seats, let's go." Ava grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Nick's grasp. I mouthed the words help me to him but he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Ava dragged me all the way to the front row. There was a big stage infront with a microphone. Everyone was talking loudly. Me and Ava sat in the middle with Noah on my right. I leaned forward and looked down the row to my right.

There were six very muscular men each with a skinny Barbie doll as a girlfriend. I didn't think they were mates my the way they barely looked at them and acted like they were a accessory. I rolled my eyes and looked to my left.

There was a very old lady who slowly turned her head and stared at me. She opened her mouth to what I was guessing was an attempt of a smile. I smiled back then looked past her. There was a man her age too who was holding her hand. They were a cute couple. I wished me and Nick could be like that. Besides all the wrinkles and I would hope I will still have teeth.

Everyone quieted down as the doors opened. Nick walked through, followed by Chandler and some other guy I didn't recognise. They walked up the stairs to the stage, everyone took their seats who walked up to podium.

He cleared his throat before talking. "Thank you all for coming. As you all know we were attacker recently and my parents were killed. I have assumed alpha position and am proud to be your leader. Now I am sure you all know why you are here. I have found my mate." When he said that his eyes drifted down to me.

Ava pushed me out of my chair. I almost fell on my face but I pulled myself together and made my way towards him. Once I got to him he took my hand and continued to talk.

"This is my beautiful mate. Cara." He now spoke softly gazing into my eyes. "This packs new Luna." Once the words left his mouth the who pack erupted into cheers. I looked over the crowd. Mostly everyone was smiling and clapping. A few of the buff guys in the front clapped with a bored look making me want slap them. As my eyes moved farther back they locked onto someone's angry ones. A blond girl with brown eyes was glaring at me with a cold expression. I better not have a problem with her. I thought. Nick kissed me on the lips then lead me off the stage.

Now the party begins. With a new Luna.

Ok I have been struggling on this chapter! Not that it was hard to write I have just been getting distracted this week super easily. Anyways enjoy!

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