Chapter 9- Blaze

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Yeppy so I put some pics of everyone wolves. I'm not going to explain who is who though. I'm not that nice ;) but anyways I can't figure out how to put more than one pic on each chapter.... So I am just putting them on the following chapters.

*Cara's POV*

Me and Nick were walking through the forest holding hands. Ava and Noah were walking behind us talking quietly.

"Does anyone want to go on a hunt? I have been seeing deer around here lately." Ava said.

"Sure." I said and shifted.

"Woah! you two are like oposites!" Noah said looking at me and Nick. I looked at us. We were. I had a pure white coat, and Nick had a black coat. I trotted off with my nose to the ground. I caught the scent of a deer. I looked over my shoulder. Ava was already behind me waiting for me to lead. I followed the trail with my nose to the ground. I slowed to a stop at the edge of a meadow where the deer was standing. "You guy head over to the meadow by the stream. I will meet you there." I said.

"Wait. Where are you going? Love?" I heard Nick call but I had already dashed off.

I spooked the deer and it started to run. I ran after it but still wasnt running at full speed. After a while I saw the buck to slow its pace. I steered it towards the stream. I chased it into the meadow where Noah and Ava jumped on it. The deer stopped running. Nick jumped out and pulled it to the ground, then killed it.

"Wow nice job. I think you ran atleast ten miles." Noah said.

"Yeah i know." I anwsered while shifting. " I feel great."

"Thats my star." Nick said coming up and putting his arm around my waist.

We hung out and slowly made our way back to Nick's house. Ava split off and went home. We walked inside to see Josh (Nick's dad) talking to a man in the living room. The guy was tall with broad shoulders, blond hair with brown natural high lights. He turned around when we walked in.

"Blaze!" Noah said and went in for a bro hug with him. "What are you doing here?"

"Nick called me." He said.

"Yes. I want the best for my packmates." Nick said. I gave him a puzzled look. Why did he said packmate insted of mate. "You need to be trained to fight. Blaze here is the best. He trains wolves at the academy."

"Woah. Dont go to fast there. I havent decided if I am going to train her. She has to prove to me she is worthy." He said running his eye across my body.

Nick held back a growled. "Well she is great. She is fast. Strong. Smart. She is the best. You are going to love her." He said.

He raised one eye brow. "gladly."

"Dinner is ready." Jane (Nick's mom) called to us. We all got up and went into the dinning room. Blaze went to sit next to me. I saw Nick flinch.

"Nick can I talk to you for a sec." I said getting up and grabbing his arm. I pulled him out into the living room and talked in a whisper. "Why didnt you tell him I was your mate?"

"Because if he knows your my mate he wont train you." He said wrapping his arms around me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "And why would he do that?"

"Because the academy dosnt want the Alpha's mate to be trained in combat. So I will tell him after he trains you. ok sugar?" He said.

"Yeah ok." I anwsered then gave him a kiss. "Come on. We dont want to miss dinner."

We walked in and took our seats. Blaze asked me a bunch of questions about myself. I could tell Nick was on edge. Blaze was constantly flirting with me.

*Why can't I have a diffrent trainer. Someone who wont flirt.* I said through mind link.

*Becasue he is the best and I want the best for my muffin. Plus I know you are a bit of a wild girl that loves to get into trouble.* Nick anwsered.

*true true.* I said.

After dinner we went into the living room then talked some more. Blaze got to his feet and walked to the door. "I better be going now."

"It was nice meeting you." I said getting up and going to shake his hand. Instead he pulled me in for a hug. Nick got to his feet. Blaze glanced at him them me.

Blaze leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "I will train you. We will be spending alot of time together." With that he grabbed his jacket and left.

"Maybe you're right." Nick said walking over to me. "Maybe we should get you a different trainer"

"Oh no. I did all that work to impress him, and got him to say yes. You are not changing your mind now." I demanded.

"You are starting to sound like a alpha." He said, then whispered. "I think you should know. When you talk like that I am attracted to you so much more."

I rolled my eyes then went and sat down on the couch. Nick came and sat next to me then pulled me onto his lap. He put his head on my shoulder then kissed me where he had put his mark. His touch sent tingles through my body.

"So is blaze going to train you?" Noah asked.

"Yeppers." I said. "Not sure when I start though."

"He just better keep his hands to himself when they are training." Nick said in a deep growl.

I rolled my eyes at him. "So where do you want me to sleep?" I asked.

"Well we figured you would want to sleep with Nick." Jane said with a puzzled expression.

"Oh I do! I just wasn't sure if you were ok with that?" I responded. Nick let out a chuckle.

"Even if they told you to sleep in the guest room I would end up sleeping with you." He said while rubbing small circles on my back.

"Vomit. Love. Mom make them stop, I'm going to throw up." Noah while pretending to gag.

"Oh Noah. Just wait till you find your mate." Jane said, then turned to me and Nick. "You two can go to bed. Well at least to Nick's room." She said winking at me.

Chapter niete! Is it bad that I so far totally hate blaze when I don't even know what he is going to do in the story...? Oh well. Nick is still my fav hottie!


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