Chapter 19- Shivering

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*Cara's POV*

I woke up hunch over Jane's body. Nick was slightly leaning on my and still holding my hand. I gently slipped my hand out of his grasp and stretched. I got to my feet and looked around the room. The room looked horrible. Noah was asleep next to their fathers body. Tanner, Ryan, Ava, Krissa, and Chandler were asleep in chairs. The room let off a putrid stench. Blood was stained on the floor and the body of the sunlight packs beta was still laying on the floor. His head was at a odd angle and there was blood surrounding his head. There was a dent on the floor from where Nick smashed his head in.

"How is he doing?" I heard someone say. I looked over my shoulder to see Ryan looking at me.

"He is in pain." I said while rubbing his hand. "I can feel it."

He nodded his head then got up and flexed his muscles. Then glanced at me.

"I don't know why your flexing." I said.

"Oh no reason." He said then winked at me.

"You do know if Nick was awake you would have been thrown through the wall." I said while raising a eye brow.

"What's life without a little risk." He answered casually.

"You would live longer." I smirked. "Will you take him to his room?"

"What? Do you know how much he weighs?" He exclaimed.

"Oh but you were just flexing over so I guess I figured you must be strong?" I said in a innocent voice. Ryan growled at me then walked over to Nick.

"I wouldn't growl at her if I was you." I heard Tanner say.

"Oh whatever." Ryan said while staggering away with Nick.

I glanced around the room. "What were they doing here?" I asked in almost whisper. Only loud enough for Tanner to hear.

"My best guess is that they were looking for something. There is stuff all over the place but nothing is gone." He answered while picking up a picture then putting it back on the shelf. "Must have been important or they wouldn't kill our alpha and Luna."

"Do we have any prisoners?" I asked not to anyone particular.

"Yeah. Why....?" His voice trailed off in questioning.

"I'm going to straighten this out." I said then turned to everyone who was still sleeping. "Krissa, get this place cleaned up. Tanner make sure Jane and Josh get taken care off. Chandler bring me to where we keep the prisoners." I ordered everyone. They all immediately got up.

"Why should I listen to you?" Chandler stood up and walked over to me. "You aren't my alpha."

At first I didn't answer. He was right I wasn't, I wasn't even sure what I was to the pack."

"Because she is close enough. And if you don't I'm going break open your skull." I turned to see Ava standing behind me with her hand on her hip. "Shoo." She said and gestured towards the door.

Once we got to the pack house Chandler led me down the stairs and took out some keys that unlocked a sturdy wooden door that looked old compared to the rest of the house. There were several prisoners in cells.

"Let's start with this one." Chandler said going to unlock one cell.

"No." I said stopping him in his foot steps, then pointing to a different cell. "Get her and a knife." I said then turned and walked upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and slid a knife off the counter then went to a table and sat down.

I looked up when Chandler came in with the girl. She was skinny with black hair and blood shot eyes. Her faced was strong and determined, but her eyes showed that she was scarred. Chandler pushed her down into the chair and she let out a squeak.

"What's your name?" I asked while hiding the knife under the table.

"Risa" She said strongly.

"Ok Risa, this is how its going to go." I said that grabbed her arm and slammed it onto the table. Then pulled out the knife and hovered it over her hand. She tried to pull her hand away but I kept a iron grip. "You going to tell me why your pack was here. And if you don't..." I said then waved the knife. "It might slip."

Her eyes became as wide as the moon. "You wouldn't." She whispered.

"You killed our alpha and Luna. I should kill every single one of you." I growled. "So why were you here?"

"I can not betray my pack." She said shaking her head.

I sighed then slowly started to press the knife down on her hand. A tear rolled down her face. "Alpha forgive me." She whispered. "I will tell you." I immediately pulled the knife away and let go of her hand. She pulled it to her and pressed against her shirt to try to stop the bleeding. I wasn't sorry for her one bit though. "Alpha Mason said that you had took something from us and we need it back. Everyone fighting was just to get everyone away from your alphas house so our beta and acouple others could go search for it." As she spoke tears rolled down her face. "I shoulfnt be telling you this...."

"What were you looking for?" I said with a growl.

"I don't know. He only told his beta and a few others." She spoke in a hushed voice.

I growled then stood up. "Take her back to her cell. Get her something for her hand, food, and some water." I told Chandler.

"We don't be that nice to our prisoners." Chandler grumbled.

"She told us why they came and betrayed her pack." I said then glanced at her out of the corner of my eye.

"That is just weakness." He said then crossed his arms.

"You should be greatfull for her weakness." I said then turned and walked to the door. "Do it."

I got back to Nicks house and walked inside. Jane and Josh's body had been removed and the blood was almost completely gone.

Krissa walked over to me. "The cleaners are almost done and should be gone shortly. Alpha Josh and Luna Jane have been moved to get ready for burial."

"Thanks Krissa." I said the walked off to Nicks room. It was totally dark in there and a horrible smell hit my nose.

"Nick." I said walking up to him. I shivered. "You shouldnt drink."

Ok guys don't drink if something bad happen! Please its very bad. Bad things can happen!
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