Chapter 29- Messing with the wrong guy

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*Nick's POV*

(this is starting right when Chandler and Ben brought Nick away from Cara. Before she got kidnapped)

Chandler and Ben brought me down to the dungeons and showed me the wolves they captured.

"what pack are they from?" I asked scanning them over.

"We don't know. They won't talk other than asking us to let them go." Ben said leaning against the bars.

"Fine." I said darkly. "You want to go home?" I asked.

"Yes." One of them said while keeping his eyes on the ground.

I grabbed the keys and unlocked the cell. He didn't even look up when I walked in. I grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Why were you here!?" I snarled at him. The guy never said anything or looked up. "Let me ask you again. And you better answer this time. Why were you here?" I said putting emptiness on each word.

"One of you guest is from our pack. We were sent to make sure if the was a fight we get him out." He said in a quick rush of words.

I let him go and he dropped to the ground. "let them go after you question each of them. Separately." I said then walked out and locked the door.

I felt uneasy for a minute. Something was wrong. I quick pulled out my phone.

"Do any of you have eyes on Cara?" I asked. Every guard should have heard me.

They took a second before they responded. All I got was a lot of "no alpha." I growled them out my phone in my pocket.

"Watch them." I pointed to Chandler and Ben then rushed up stairs. I flung open the door to the back yard. Before I could move Noah stepped out infront of me.

"She isn't in the backyard." He said. I didn't give him a chance to say anything else before I rushed up stairs.

I checked every single room. I even walked in on some mates making out. I ran down stairs and checked every room.

"Nick help!" I heard her beautiful voice scream.

My blood boiled and my body shook with anger. I slammed open the front door. I saw Jake carring my beautiful baby.

"Put her down!" I snarled.

"And if I don't?" Jake growled back.

"You will regret it for the rest of your life." I said darkly then stalked over to them.

He tossed Cara to the ground and I winced inwardly as I heard a thump.

"Your still going to pay Jake." I growled at Jake right before lunging at him.

We wrestled on the ground before I pinned Jake to the ground and started punching him. I heard a crack and a yelp come from Jake. I kept punching him. About how he was going to take her away. I felt my body shaking with anger. I stopped punching him then yanked Jake to his feet.

"If you ever" punch. "Touch her" punch. "Again." Punch. "I will kill you!" Then I just started punching him till I heard a crack. Jake scream in pain. His shirt now soaked in blood and so was my hands.

I felt a soft hand rest on my arm, still in mid swing. My eyes slowly moved up till the reaches her forest green ones.

"What?" I said through clenched teeth tryin to hold back my anger.

"You need to stop." She whispered gently be. "Please."

I hesitated but finally nodded and dropped Jake to the ground. Jake leaped to his feet and ran towards the van. The door was flung open and he jumped in. It took all my power not to chase aster him and rip him limb from limb. "Go" I heard him yell before they sped off.

"You ok?" I asked  while turning to look at Cara. She had a big bruise on the side of her face.

"Just peachy." She said through clenched teeth.

I sighed before tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. "You sacred me." I said while resting my head on her shoulder. I heard her let out a deep sigh. "come on. Let's get you cleaned up." I took her hand and lead her inside.

It was already dark now and Cara and I had said good by to all of our guest. "let's go to bed." I whispered in her ear before I lead her up stairs.

I brought her into my room then looked over her. She was still wearing her dress. I walked over to her and pulled her into my chest. I looked down at her and rested my forehead on hers.

We stood like this for a while before I finally kissed her. As I kept kissing her my wolf was begging for more and it got more intense. Cara finally pulled away.

"sorry..." I said awkwardly.

"Oh no your fine. You just need a shower." She said pointing to my shirt. I had blood splattered on it and my hands were still bloody as well.

"Oh right." I said then kissed the top of her head. "Im going to go shower."

I walked into the shower and turned it on. It's going to have to be a cold one.

Hey guys. Thanks for still reading. I'm going to try to be faster with ny up dates. Hopefully at least one a week. Hope you liking the story!

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