Chapter 1- Something New

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*Cara's POV*

Sitting in math class is the worst. I have to sit next to an idiot and I hardly pay attention. Yet I somehow manage to keep all A's in this class all year. The clock finally reached 1:48 "class dismissed." My teacher yelled. Everyone jumped to their feet and raced out of class. I took my time. I knew Ava wouldn't leave without me. I got to my locker and spun my combo and tossed in all my books. Then grabbed my phone and a pack of gum.

"How you feeling?" I said as I slid in to lean against Ava's locker. (right across the hall from mine.)

"It's...getting better." she said while placing her books in her locker.

"I can tell your lying." I said while putting in a piece of gum.

"really I'm fine." she said and shut her locker.

Ava is a werewolf. Two days ago she had got into a fight with the future alpha. It got pretty bad. She is a great fighter and if could have totally beat him. but he is the alpha's son. If she hurt him she would get in big trouble.

We walked to band together. It was the last week of school so we didn't do anything in band, but watch movies. I went and sat in my chair next to my friend Lexy. She told me about all of her summer plans. I just nodded cause I didn't have any plans. We watch the movie Despicable Me 2. Just because we are high schoolers dosnt mean we don't like animated movies.

After I got off the bus I had to walk up my long dirt drive way. My house was up on a hill and looked down on all the other houses. My house has three levels, four bedrooms, four bathrooms, two kitchens and two living rooms, and a gaming room. I know its sounds big and it is. I have lived here my whole life.

I walked inside and opened the fridge. I grabbed a mountain dew. My favorite. Then went into my room and turned on the music. I pulled out my phone so I could text Ava.

*text convo*

Cara- Hey how you feeling?

Ava- Fine, but she keeps telling me I should have fought back...

Cara- she?

Ava-my wolf. all wolves have their wolf talk to them in their head.



Cara-well I sometimes hear voices

Ava-omg! really! I'm coming over right now! be there in twenty minutes.

Cara- um k. meet me by the stream.

Ava- kk be there soon.

I set down my phone and put on some new clothes. I put on some jogging shorts and a sweatshirt. I went out and my dogs came running up. I had two dogs, one I got a couple weeks ago and was still a puppy. I went and got their dog bowls and filled them with dog food. I then locked them in their kenal. I stretched my legs a little then started to run.

I ran all the way till I reached a tree line. I walked to my left till I reached a small deer path. I walked onto it till I reached a small stream. I jumped across it and sat down on a fallen down tree.

I waited there for a while, then I heard a stick break. I looked up to see a black wolf with a gray under coat run up. She had ice blue eyes, almost white. She shifted into human form. I watched as her eyes changed from ice to a light green.

"You come here alot don't you?" she asked walking over to me. "you have green eyes, your athletic, aggressive, fast, strong, you hunt, and love nature." she said gesturing.

"ok your point?" I asked.

"I think you are a wolf."

I'm a wolf!

Yay chapter uno done! So proud! Jk but kinda....


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