Chapter 37- Strained

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Ok everyone read! This chapter is in Ava's point of view. Otherwise you are going to be extremely confused!

*Ava's POV*

I climbed up into the boat and jumped to my feet. "Noah! You jackass of a bastard*!" I yelled to him before jumping off the boat onto his shoulders.

"Ava what are you doing?" He asked.

"I don't know I'm just bored." I smirked down at him.

"Ava!" Nick yelled with his alpha tone which is ever so annoying.

"You can prove anything! I didn't do it! I demand a lawyer!" I yelled jumping off of Noah.

"What are you talking about...?"

I paused and decided to play it cool. "Nothing. What do you want?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "Where is Cara? I thought she would be coming back with you."

I rolled my eyes right back at him. "I'm not her baby sitter. Or anyones for that matter. Kids hate me to much..." I trailed off in thought. "Oh but ya she went off with Ashton so Cara could find a new place for you to suck eachothers faces."

"Who is Ashton?! Nick roared.

"The guy who owns the boat over there. I don't remember him but he seemed kinda interested in you and your work. Also the guys over there are all big flirts." I stopped talking only to look up to see Nick gone. Rolling my eyes I walked towards the boat. "Come on Noah. I have a feeling we are going to be needed."

I jumped into the boat and grabbed a pair of shorts that I quickly put on. Jumping off the boat I sorted out which way Nick went and followed in pursuit. Noah lingered on my heels the whole way.

"I don't see why we have to do this. He is fine." Noah complained like always.

"Be quite or I will cut out your tongue." I hissed at him. I heard him grumble a couple of words but did bother in listening.

We kept walking till the trees thinned out and I could now see Nick ahead of us. He stood there solemnly looking over the edge. As I neared I could see loose dirt that had been recently shifted.

The sun was barely in sight as I got up to him. I knelt on the ground next to him, surveying the area. Standing up I took off my shorts then tossed them to Noah. I saluted him quick before turning my back to the cliff and letting myself fall backwards.

"Ava!" I heard both Noah and Nick yell before hitting the water.

It hurt a little but I was alive. I swam up to the surface and swiftly found a rock to get on.

"She would have lived if she fell from there. It's super deep." I yelled up to them. "Meet you guys back at the boat."

I turned and jumped into the water for the second time. Not trying to brag or anything but I was a good swimmer.

After swimming to the coast and taking a short jog across the beach I finally made it back to the boat. Everyone was already gathered around Chandler. I could see Nick just to the side of him. He was sitting with his head in his hands.

Even though I could see his face I knew how he felt. I reach the boat and climbed up. I could feel my blood boiling under my skin.

"Alright listen up. Cara has been taken. First thing we do is call the surrounding packs. Send in a couple of people to check them out. Then we had home and do some more investigating. At least something should pop up then." I looked at Chandler then at Nick. "Well let's get going!"

We got back to the cabin and everything was in motion. Everyone was getting stuff picked up and cleaned. Besides Nick. He was still in a daze but everyone just worked around him.

I sighed then ran my fingers through my hair. I walked up to Nick and sat down infront of him. "Nick, listen. We need you right now. Especially Cara. The pack is nothing without its alpha to lead. And that you. Now if you sit on your butt and let her slip away then that is how the pack and other packs will see you. But if you stand up and put up a fight, then they will see you as a leader."

He raised his head out of his hands and looked at me. His eyes were red and hair was going all diffrent directions. "This is all my fault." He said in a barely audible voice.

"Then fix it." I pressured.

We locked eyes for several seconds before he stood up. "I want to be out of here I'm 5 minutes." He yelled in his alpha voice. Making everyone work 5 times faster.

Trees flashed past us at startling speeds, well that's what happens when you let Nick drive when he is mad. We had already been pulled over twice. Of course Nick pulled the alpha card on them right away and got away with it. We were actually almost home and it had been less than two hours.

Rolling up the drive way, we all jumped out right away. "The pack has already been informed" Chandler said while following Nick, Noah, and I into Nick's office. Right as he sat down in his chair the phone rang.

"Out." He growled at us.

I didn't want to leave, knowing that that phone call had something to do with Cara and this was my best friend we are talking about. Hesitantly we all left though. Only to go out into the hall to pace.

"Can you stop?" Chandler snapped at me.

"You know that this helps me." I retorted while glarring fire at him.

"That doesn't make it any better." He growled back taking a step forward only to aggravate me.

"Ok look, we all know the tension is high right now. That doesn't mean we get into fights." Noah said stepping in between us.

Me and Chandler were now face to face and I was ready to take him down. Noah put his hand on my shoulder and tried to hold me back. Grabbing his arm I twisted it around then kicked the back of his knees and took him to the ground. Standing I dodged a punch from Chandler, jumping forward I kneed him in the ribs then grabbed his arm and flung him to the floor right as I heard the door open.

I dropped Chandler's arm and chased after Nick who was walking towards the door. Our steps echoed through the silent house.

"Cara will be back. Take care of her and the pack." He said while reaching the door. "Don't follow me. That's an order." He said before shutting the door.

Alright. Got that done and a new persons point of view! Tell me if you liked it! Ok the end is coming soon for this book so be ready. But also I'm still thinking about making a second one so I will keep you updated!

I also put up a new story too check it out!

~vote and comments plz!~

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