Chapter 24- Unbelievable

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*Cara's POV*

I woke up the next day in the afternoon. The sun cut through my curtains and hit me hard in face. I finally opened my eyes and immediately was met with a pounding headache.

Last night! I thought and every thing rushed back to me.

The break up. Going to the party and meeting Dawson. Then Nick showing and fighting Dawson. Over me...

I shook my head. I didn't want to think about that.

I walked down stairs and made my self some cereal. I pulled out my phone. 7 miss calls and 12 texts. All from Nick besides one call. I skipped through all of them, only listening to the very beginning. One stopped me.

There was a shaking to his voice. "Cara I know you are super mad at me but please listen to this. I love you more than anything in the world. I didnt ask you to be luna yet because I would have to claim you. I didn't think you wanted that. You are younger then me and a lot different then other girls and I didn't want to scare you off. Please forgive me. I love you so much and I am nothing without you. Please just call me back." He said like he was about to break down throughout the whole message. I sighed and shook my head. I wanted to run to him and tell him its ok. But I didn't I went on to thr next message. It was from Dawson, he invited me over to his house. I decided to go. Just to get my mind off things.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. There was now some clouds covering the sky. I hoped it didn't rain. I carried on through the forest on foot. I stopped when I heard a branch break. I could hear my heart beating in my chest. Rain started to fall from the sky. Rolling off the leaves, and making puddles. Ugh. I kept walking and tried to forgot the feeling of not being alone.

I was near the border now which made me nervous. I hoped I wouldnt be caught by someone from his pack. Or mine. There were tall trees around me and dark green leaves.

"Cara." I heard my name and looked up.

Nick was standing in front of me. He wasnt wearing a shirt and his hair was soaking wet. Rain rolled off his muscles. I could now see all of his muscles. He was perfect. My eyes finally came up to his face. All I saw was pain. I felt like I was being pulled towards him.

"Where are you going?" He asked walking towards me.

I wanted to say something but my mouth wouldn't open. I only could take a step towards him. He had a bruised eye and hid knuckles looked like they were broken. While I was scanning his body I found something that I hadn't noticed before. There was a circular black tattoo on his right bicep. Took his hand in mine.


"I really am sorry." He said. "Will you tell me where you are going?"

"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered.

Our eyes locked. His turned to a dark grey, then back to brown. I let out a sigh as he pulled me into his bare chest.

"How is it you are so warm when you aren't wearing a shirt?" I asked.

"It's a wolf thing. You just haven't caught on." He said. A shiver raked my body. He picked me up then sat on the ground with me in his arms. I slowly got warmer. I sighed.

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