Chapter 5- Just Thinking

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*Cara's POV*

We played truth or dare for a while longer. I got Noah back for making me kiss Nick. Honestly it was a great kiss. I guess you could say I enjoyed it.

"pizza's ready." Ava's dad called to us

We all got up and went into the kitchen to eat. The guys made fun of me and Ava for only wanting cheese pizza. The guys on the other hand wanted like everything. It was disgusting. Nick kept asking if I wanted more pizza or something else to drink. It was almost sad to see how hard he was trying to get me to like him. But I have to say it's cute and kinda working. I would have to think about it.

After we finished eating we went outside. I grabbed a basketball and started shooting hoops. Noah all of a sudden jumped up and took the ball from me. He ran an tried to do a jump shot. It bounced off the rim and rolled back over to me.

"It knows it true master." I said picking it up and hugged the ball.

Everyone started to laugh which made me very proud of me. I love making people laugh.

Nick got up and walked over to me. "If you want to get better you should bend you wrist more." He said talking the ball then shot. It was perfect.

"Like this?" I said. then made a perfect basket.

He laughed. "Exactly like that. You are just perfect at everything."

"Um.. thanks." I said then turned and made another basket.

"Who wants to play truth or dare again?" Noah asked.

I threw the ball at him. It hit him square in the back. "No one!"

"Well then.." He said while rubbing his back.

"Who wants to go inside and have ice cream, make popcorn, get pop, and watch Thor, and Thor: The Dark World?" Ava asked.

"Oh my gosh yes! I love Thor he is so hot. And you get to see his abbs in the second movie!" I said dropping the ball and running over to her.

"I know right!" We ran inside to get the movies. The guys followed behind us.

"I don't think he is that hot. I am way better."Nick said. I just shook my head.

Me and Ava got everything ready while the guys just sat around. Noah sat in the chair while Nick and Ava sat on the couch. I think Noah and Ava did that on purpose so I would have to sit by Nick. Whatever i told myself and went and sat down.

When the second movie was over we put in the Avengers. I felt my eyes getting droopy and shut them for what I thought was a minute.

Chapter cinco! Ooo what will happen next? Hint hint wink wink Cara and Nick ;)


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