Chapter 2- Maybe

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Ok new point of view. Got his pic on here so check out that hotties pic!

*Nick's POV*

I was extra tired today. I had visited three packs just today. I needed to find my mate. I know I will be a great alpha, but I will be even better with a mate by my side. I have gone to so many packs I lost track. I drove up to my house and sat in the car. I saw my brother in the window going over to the door.

"hey bro. how did it go?" he said while walking up and leaned against my truck.

"no luck. tons of pretty girl's but non of them were mine." I sighed. "Noah Im starting to give up."

"dude I haven't found my mate either. She will come. ok?" I nodded my head. "ok now come on Ava is here."

Ava. The one I had recently hurt. why would she be here. I guess I will find out. Noah ran ahead of me. He liked Ava, she doesn't feel the same way.

I walked in to the living room to see Ava sitting on the couch. Her blond hair was in a braid that was of to the side.

"what is it?" I ask standing in front of her.

"I think my friend is a wolf too. Cara." she must have knew to carry on by my look. "She has the scent, eyes, athletic, aggressiveness, loves nature, and she hears her wolf."

"that dosnt mean she is full wolf." I said.

"she is a lot like me. what if I just bring her by. Maybe being around other wolves will bring out her wolf." she tried to convince me.

"one day." I said. "if you can prove she is a wolf she can join the pack. but you are going to have to teach her how to fight, hunt, track, and how to control her wolf. got it?"

"yes I will take that." she jumped up. "I will bring her by on Saturday."

Ava got up and went outside. Noah followed her. he acts like he forgot that every time he asked her out she rejected him.

I was interested by Cara. I said her name in my head. I had heard Ava talk about her before. she sounded like a wolf. I looked at a file Ava had brought for me. She had dark brown hair, green eyes, and a beautiful smile. All A's, plays volleyball, in band, and is on the trap team. there was a newspaper clipping in there. the trap team had gone to state. there was a picture of her and about five other boys holding trophy. Next was all about volleyball. There was a picture of her and her team. next was her volleyball schedule. She was playing in a game at the high school. I got up and went outside. Noah was asking Ava out again.

"I'm going to Cara's game." I said then got in my truck and drove down the road.

I drove up to the high school and parked. I walked in and followed the group of people heading for the gym. Lots of girls watched me as I walked by, they might have recognized me from when I did go to school before I dropped out to start training to be a alpha. I sat down on the hard bleachers.

I picked her out as the team entered the court. Her hair was pulled back into a pony then braided. I couldn't help but noticed how good she looked in that jersey. I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

Kk chapter dos done! Don't hate me for not having the mind of a guy!


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