Chapter 31- Surprise!

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*Nick's POV*

I blinked against the light that came through my bedroom window. I shut my eyes and rolled over so I could hold my beautiful mate. I reached out to pull her closer to me. I jolted up and looked over. She was gone. I jumped out of bed and tried not to fall on my face as the blankets wrapped around my legs. I of course fell on the ground and quickly kicked them off. I leaped to my feet then dashed out the hall.

"I swear if that son of a bitch took her i will shred him." I growled to myself as I ran down the flight of strairs.

Her sweet scent finally hit my nose and I let out a sigh of relief. I skidded into the kitchen and engulfed her in a hug. "You scared me." I sighed as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Dont do that again." I said while kissing her neck.

I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see all eyes were on me. Chandler, Tanner, Ryan, Krissa and Ava

"what are they doing here?" I asked her sourly.

"They are coming with us." Cara hesitantly said.

"Coming with us where....?" I was suspicious about where this little scheme was going.

"To my cabin. We are all going! Surprise!!!" She said while clapping her hands together.

"No." I growled while pulling her closer to me.

She whipped around to face my and poked my chest while her finger. "Fine you don't have to come but I am going no matter what. And if you want to stay here and be a boring alpha then you do that but I am going to go have fun."

I heard a gasp and someone holding back a laugh. I looked over at them to see them all smirking at me.

I let out a groan. "Fine I will come!"

"Yay!" She pecked me on the cheek. "We leave tonight." Just as the words we heard the sound of feet walking down the hall and to the front door. We all ran to see what was going on.

"Do I have to go now baby?" Some blonde whined to Noah.

"Yeah I have some stuff to do." He said while pulling her hands off of him.

"Fine. But when we can hang out again I want to go extra hard." She purred to him, making me gag.

"Yeah yeah sure. Bye." He said then shoved her out the door.

We all turned and quickly tried to act natural as Noah started to walk ok our way.

"Soooo who was your friend Noah?" Cara said while putting a stack of pancakes onto the counter.

"Huh?" He asked while sitting down.

"Your booty call." Cara said with a smirk.

He scratched the back if his head. "I don't even know." He laughed. "How is my lovely Ava this morning?" He said while turning to look at her.

"Don't even." She said while putting her hand on his face and pushing him away. We all bursted out laughing.

"Oh come on. I'm still not as bad as Nick!" He said trying to defend himself.

My face went pale as Cara slowly turned to look at me. "Not as bad as Nick?" She said while cocking a eyebrow.

"Um...." I said then did what I thought was best. Turn tail and run. But of course she followed close behind me. I turned around right as she lunged at me. I caught her in my arms then fell to th ground. I quickly flipped us over so I was on top and pinned her arms above her head.

I smirked. "I like this." I said while looking down at her.

"Oh don't you even." She growled at me. Which was such a turn on.

I leaned down and crashed my lips on to her. I know she was fighting herself not to give in but she couldn't gift for so long. I let out a deep growl and started trailing kisses down her neck till I reached where I had marked her. That sent her on edge and she let out a moan that sounded like angels to me.

"Ewwww! Stop raping my friend!" I heard Ava scream at me.

I stopped to look at her. "It's not rape if she likes it." I smirked. But then regretted it. Ava's fist collided into my jaw. I rolled off of Cara.

She leapted to her feet and turned lb Ava. "Don't hit my mate." She growled menacingly that sounded a lot like a alpha. Ava's fought to resist but she was a wolf and knew Cara out ranked her. She let her head fall to bow to her. Cara turned to me and knelt down next to me.

Her eyes were a electric blue gazing into mine. "You ok?" She asked softly while tracing where Ava punched me.

"Of course. She hits like a girl." I smirked which only earned me a smack on the head. "Take me home I need to pack." She said then walked off to my truck.

"Ha your so whipped." Ava said then walked away laughing.

"GIVE IT BACK!!!" Cara screamed while chasing me down the hall.

"No! It's to revealing!" I yelled while running in circles around her house. All of a suden I felt weight on my shoulders and Cara snatched her swimsuit away from me.

"Ha! I win." She said then slammed her suit case shut and zipped it. "Alright let's go get your stuff."

I muttered under my breatg about her bossing me around. "I heard that!" She yelled over her shoulder before getting in my truck. I chuckled to myself then climbed in and sped down the road. She cranked up the radio and it some song that I didn't even know came on. But Cara loved it.

"Sorry for party rockin!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and started to sing along. I just shook my head and kept driving

We finally got to my house and Cara skipped in like she owned the place. Well she acts like that wherever we go. I went and got a suit case out of the closet. When I got back to my room Cara was already in there throwing clothes onto my bed.

"I can pack myself you know." I said while pickig up a shirt.

She turned to face me and planted her hand on her hip. "My dog has a better taste in style then you." She snapped then turned back.

"I am slightly offended." I said then started putting the clothes into my suit case.

After a few hours I had finally finished and all of our stuff were on the living room.

"How long of a drive is it." I asked while loading the truck.

"Oh only five hours." She said while looking at her nails.

"Five hours!?" I yelled looking at her. "It already nine!"

"Yep five hours with your mate who just downloaded a bunch of new songs for us to listen to." She smirked then walked off.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long update, I had actually been almost done but it deleted all of it! I almost died. Anyways hoped you enjoyed my surprise. Can't wait to write about the car ride. ;)

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