Chapter 16- Ride

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*Nicks POV*

I woke up the next morning with Cara in my arms. I could get used to this. I thought. I felt her stretch to I let her get up. She gently kissed my cheak before walking up stairs. I then pulled out my phone to check if anyone had called me. Nope.

I wanted to take Cara our to dinner tonight. Or maybe even a movie too. That would be nice.

I got up then jogged up the stairs. Went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. I felt a arm snake around my waist. "What are you doing?" Cara asked while leaning against me.

"I'm making breakfast." I said while flipping over a burnt pancake.

"Maybe I should do it?" She asked while slipping the spatula out of my hand.

"Yeah that's a good idea..." I answered then through my attempt of making pancakes in the trash.

I then trotted down the stairs and jumped right onto Noah.

"Ow! What the fuck dude?!" He yelled. While I walked away laughing.

"Breakfast is ready." I said then ran up the stairs.

"Breakfast?" I heard Ava ask the follow me up stairs.

*later that day(like 6 pm)*

I jogged up the steps to Caras house. Just like on our first date. I rang the door bell and Cara's dad let me in.

"Evening sir. Er I mean Mark." I corrected myself.

"Hello Nick, how have you been?" He asked me while leaning against the wall.

"Good just had some car troubles this week but its all good now." I said nonchalantly.

"Your dad fix it or did you bring it in?" He asked.

"Neither, I fixed it myself." I answered.

"Well good for you!" He congratulated me then gave me a pat on the shoulder.

Cara then calmed waltzing in wearing shorts with a blue top and a brown leather jacket. She slipped on hee boots then picked up her purse.

"Ready to go?" I asked secretly checking her out.

"Yep! Bye dad." She said then took my arm.

I lead her down the stairs and out to my truck. Then I opened the door like any gentle man.

"Where are we going?" She asked while putting on her seatbelt.

"It's a suprise." I said then winked at her.

Ok I'm not sure if you are like me, but surprises bug the crap out of me. Seriously don't ever say its a surprise! I will murder you! (I'm joking btw)

Anyways vote and comment!

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