Chapter 43- All New

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*Cara's POV*

"Cara Cara! Wake up!" I jolted awake as someone shook me awake.

"Wha?" I said still sleepy as I rubbed my eyes. I looked around to see a bunch of people standing around me. "What's going on?" I asked now more awake.

"Well I now have to get a new door for my house cause your brother didn't think of asking for a key." Noah answered while shooting Jason a glare. "You talked to Nick?"

"Um ya." I said looking down at my clothes. I was now wearing one of Nick's shirts.

"What did he say?" Ava asked while coming up to sit next to me.

"He is leaving. Won't be back for a while." I said quietly.

"Jackass still owes me ten bucks..." Ava muttered.

"Chandler." I yelled looking around for him. He slipped through the crowd and came up to kneel next to me.

"Yes Luna." He said.

"Call a pack meeting. One hour." I ordered.

"Yes Luna." He said then stood up and addressed everyone else. "If you are not personally close to Luna please head back to the pack house. Make sure everyone knows there will be a pack meeting at twelve."

Chandler gave me a nod before leaving with the majority of people there. That only left Ava, Noah, and Jason. We all kinda just sat there in a awkward silence.

"So I guess we should like go now or something?" Ava finally spoke up.

I nodded and pushed myself to my feet. We walked in silence for the most part. I didn't talk at all. We finally reached Noah's house. Ava offered to drive me home to get some clothes on which I quickly agreed to.

We drove back to my house in silence for the most part. We finally got to my house. Ava said she would just chill while I went and changed and everything. Which pretty much meant she was going to eat my found and watch my netflix. But hey that's what friends are for right? Sure we will go with that.

I took a quick shower then went to pick out something to wear. I didn't really feel like looking super fancy so I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a blue t-shirt. I found my sandles and slipped them on.

After that I went into the bath room. I thought about curling my hair but thought against it when I saw the meeting started in a half hour. I just put on some mascara and put my hair into a bun, then called it good.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Ava eating and watching netflix as expected. "Come on. I don't want to be late." I said walking over to the door.

"But you can't just leave it at a part like that! It will be killing me for the rest of the day." She yelled as she threw her arms into the air for exaggeration.

I sighed. "well you could stay here and miss the meeting." She seriously looked like she was considering it. "But I think you will want to be there for this."

"Fine." She grumbled as we walked out the door.

We got to the pack house in no time. Lots of people were already there helping set up. It felt like just yesterday when I was here becoming Luna.

I looked up when Chandler came up to me with a clip board. "We are ahead of schedule so we should be done setting up in thirty minutes. Are we inviting some of the neighboring packs over for this or is it not necessary?" He asked while looking down at the paper.

"Yes that will be a good idea." I said nodding to it. "But only the alphas betas and their mates. No one else." I instructed.

"Yes of course Luna." He said nodding before turning to yell at some little boy. "Charlie what have I told you! You can't bring your turtle in here!"

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