Chapter 23- Fight

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*Nick's POV*

I walked into the club breathing in the air. Which I practically choked on. Noah was at my side scanning the crowd.

"I don't want to be here." I growled.

"Come on this is what we always do after a relationship with both of us. It's tradition." He said patting me on the back. "Just relax have a beer and get a little drunk. Then you can go be with some chick."

I sighed. "Fine."

He clapped his hands together then walked to the bar and ordered us drinks. I scanned the crowds and saw a group of girls laughing and looking over at me. This was a usual thing for me. Noah came back and handed me two shot glasses and a beer.

"Bottoms up." He nodded to me then walked off.

I drank everything quickly then set down the glasses. I saw the girls walk over to me. They all had short bright colored skirts and strappless shirts that showed their stomach. Their shirts made their boobs look huge but not that I was looking.

"Hi Nicky." Said one of the girls coming up to me putting her hand on my chest. The others felt my shoulder muscles and abbs. Let's just say they were all over me.

"Hi Tiffany, Vicky, Jessica, Mari, Amy." I said trying to look at their faces.

"I haven't seen you here for a while. Are you still with that one chick?" She getting really close to me.

"No." I answered simply, my jaw muscles tightening.

"Good. We can have a little fun then." She said practically putting her chest in my face.

"I think I need something strong to drink." I said peeling them off and going to the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked me.

"The strongest thing you got." I said. He smiled then yelled something to someone else. He came back with the biggest cup I had ever seen. I grabbed it then walked back to the girls.

"Yay" they said clapping their hands.

I don't remember what happen for a while but I ended up on the dance floor. I didn't really ever dance so I kind of stood there. Someone ran into my back and I growled turning around to see my offender.

My heart dropped. Cara. She looked at me then was pulled away. I looked up to see who had did that. He looked up and glared at me. I saw a flash of fear in his eyes as he recognized me.

"Nick. Don't do anything you will regret." Noah said hesitantly coming up by my side.

"I'm not going to." I growled. I reached towards Cara and grabbed her wrist. I pulled her away from Dawson and into Noah. I didn't pay any attention to her objections.

I lunged at Dawson. He was thrown to the floor by my force that came purely from my anger. I could hear the people around us yelling "fight fight fight" but I wasn't listening. I punched him hard in the face a couple of times before he pushed me off.

He got to his feet and whiped the blood off his face. "What got you in such a bad mood?" He sneered.

"She is mine." I growled only for him to hear.

He glanced over at Cara. "I think she has other thoughts." I turned to look at her. Her face turned pale when our eyes locked.

I was about to open my mouth but I was slammed onto the floor. My hands caught me before I landed. I jumped up and punched Dawson in the chin sending him flying across the room. His body hit the wall hard. He left a dent in the wall. He stumbled to his feet. I growled and lunged again. I grabbed his head then slammed him into the wall over and over again. I felt people grab me and pull me off.

"Woah dude relax. Let's not kill anyone." I looked up to see Seth and Chandler.

"What are to doing here." I growled at them.

"I'm your beta. I can't let you go making trouble on a broken heart. "Time for you to go home."

I snarled at him. "Cara is still here."

He sighed and ran his hand through his blond hair. "Ava is here. She can take him home."

I looked at him then over at Cara. Her back was to me as she stood around a group of people that had surrounded Dawson. I growled. I then saw Ava walked up and pull her away. She never glanced my direction. I looked back at Chandler then nodded. We got up and left.

Ok is I just me or do you love fights? Maybe its just me.

Vote and comment my little wolves!

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