Chapter 27- Bite

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*Nick's POV*

I grabbed Cara's hand and pulled her off stage. I had the whole night planned out. First a perfect dinner, and had picked out who would be sitting at our table. Then I would go around introducing her to everyone. Then since lots of people brought gifts for their new Luna I would have her open them. Finally I would have the majority of the pack leave and only my family and people close to me and her stay.

I glanced up to look at Cara. She was looking around warily. "What's wrong my love?" I asked her pulling her to a stop.

"Nothing I'm fine. Just a bit nervous." She said quietly.

I nodded the kissed her forehead. I intertwined our hands then let her to the dinning room. Several people were already seated. I lead her over to her seat. I pulled out her chair like any gentlemen. She gave me an easy smile before sitting. I of course sat at the head of the table, Cara to the right, and Noah to the left. I looked down the table to see my grandpa pulling out grandma's chair. Once everyone sat down I cleared my throat.

"Alright everyone let's-"

"Has anyone seen my teeth!?" My grandma yelled. I looked over to her. "What? Ain't anybody gunna answer? No no? Ok then."

"Grandma! Please be quite!" I yelled across the table to her.

"Don't yell at me mister! Back in my day youngins like you got a smack if they talked to their elders like that." She snapped back at me.

My fist rolled into a tight ball as I pulsed with anger.

"Nick." Cara's hand gently draped across mine. "Carry on with your speech."

"Just eat." I growled

We all dug in, practically everyone wanted to talk to Cara. It slightly bugged me, I didn't want to share.

After dinner I went and changed clothes. I threw on some jeans and a gray t-shirt. It was one of Cara's favorites.

I walked down stairs and surveyed the living room. My eyes automatically landed on Cara. She say gazing at me to while talking to someone I couldnt see. I slipped through the crowd over to her. I saw that she was talking to my grandparents.

I gripped her hand gently then pulled her infront of me. "You too are two damn cute together." My grandma said while pinching my cheeks.

"Grandma" I whined.

"Oh right your to old for that." She rolled her eyes at me. "So when can I expect grandchildren? I'm hope your going to have a lot." Cara's cheeks got really red as she kept talking. "If you want any advice I would say don't use protection. I mean your mates so once your out of high school you can start."

"Grandma!" I finally yelled. "Please stop."

"Well then. Young kids these days. It ain't nothin to be embarrassed about." She said while walking away.

"I am so sorry about that." I said to Cara looking down at her.

"It's ok. Just don't get the thought in your head." She said while lightly slapping me then struting away.

She walked over to Ava and whispered something in her ear. I walked over to her and Ava. "Just remember to spread them wide!" Ava said between laughs.

"Ava!" Cara yelled while giving her a playful shove.

"What you girls talking about?" I asked to no one particular.

"We were just discussing what position you and-" Ava said before Cara slapped her hand over her mouth.

I raised my eye brow at them not even bothering to hold back a smirk.

"Oh shut up." She said pushing me.

"You better not push the alpha he might-" Ava said before I cut her off.

I grabbed Cara and spun her around so I was behind her with my mouth by her neck. "Bite" I whispered in to her ear then kissed her neck where I marked her. I felt her shiver against me. I smirked knowing I had that affect on her.

Hola amigos! Sorry for the long update I know I took foreverrrr writing it. But I took it piece by piece. Anywho hope you liked it.

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