Chapter 32- Bumpy Road

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*Cara's POV*

"Will you please turn this off!" Nick yelled over my blasting music.

"But this is my favorite song!!!" I whined.

"What is this song called even?" He grumbled.

"Animals, maroon 5! Best song ever" I sang happily. Once the song ended I quickly went to hit reply.

"Don't you dare." Nick said while grabbing my hand.

"How come your hand is so damn big?" I asked examining his hand.

"How come you always ask the weirdest questions?" He asked with a serious voice but when I looked at him he had a smirk on his face.

"Oh you big meany!" I said smacking arm. "God you are solid!" I yelled while squeezing his arm.

He smirked. "All the time."

"EWWWWW THAT IS SO GROSS!!!" I yelled while covering my ears.

"I'm sorry. Gosh I was kidding." He laughed. "This weekend is going to be fun" he said while squeezing my leg.

"not unless you move your hand. You will be in a hospital." I said while tossing his hand off me.

"Oh come on you can't hurt me." He laughed.

"Oh really." I raised a eye brow at him.

I turned back and stared out the window. "Oh are you going to pout now?" Nick asked in a baby voice.

I turned to him slowly. Then slammed my fist into his arm. He swerved across the road and a chorus of horns followed us. "God damnit Cara! Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Did it hurt?" I smirked.

"Yes it did!" He yelled at me.

"I win you loose!" I sang. He shook his head. "Oh you can't stay mad. You love me too much! Let's get some food I'm hungry."

"Oh whatever. Sure I am too." He said then handed me the walky talky. Which was my idea.

"Hello this alpha speaking to red fox and wolverine man. We are going to stop to refuel follow accordingly." I said in a manly voice.

Nick chuckled. "That is terrible."

"Why you got to be so rude! Don't you know I'm human tooooo" I sang happily. "Rude. Its a song if you didn't know."

He rolled his eyes at me then parked the car at some restraunt. "Come on." He said then took my head and lead me inside. "What do you want? My call."

"Ummmmmmm I won't a cheese burger, with no lettuce, tomatoes, mustard, onions, and pickles. Oh and I want bacon on it!" I smiled at him.

"Well all right then." He said then read off our order.

Everyone else came walking in and Ava ran up to me and practically tackled me. "I can't stand one more minute with him!!!"

I bursted out laughing. "Why?"

She grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me. "He is icky! I lost track of how many nasty jokes he made!"

"Stop being so immature Ava." Noah said shaking his head. She stuck her tongue at him.

"Here's your food babe." Nick handed me my food.

"Yummy!" I said then followed nick to a table and dug in.

"I'm so fun. I could die." I mumbled as nick carried me to his truck. On my request of course.

"Oh go to sleep." He said then yanked my hat down over my eyes.

Ok sorry guys that was a slow and short chapter. Ik it sucked! Whatever.

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