Chapter 4- Try Again

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*Nick's POV*

I counldnt belive it. My mate rejected me. Normaly if a mate rejects its mate it is usualy the male. Plus I'm the future alpha! I shook it off. She will be mine. Cara is mine, my wolf growled with anticipation at the thought. I flexed my shoulder muscles then went outside. She was talking to Ava when they both turned to look at me. I didnt back down from their stares, the both stopped looking when they saw me staring back. I had to find Noah now. I know he proubly hates her, but I needed to tell him.

"Noah." I called and ran to the spot where he had just slipped into the forest. "Noah stop I need to talk to you."

"Why did you kiss her? I thought you wanted to find your mate? She did not look like she reconized you as her mate." He said turning around.

"She is my mate. She hasn't shifted yet so she doesn't know it." I said.

He growled. "I don't like her. She is cocky, arogant, and is a total bitch!"

"Don't talk about my mate that way! I love her!" I growled, while grabbing him by his shoulder. "Just don't touch her. I dont want to have a problem with you. Got it?"

He growled. "fine..."

"Good. Race you back?" I said then shifted. He did the same then we raced off.

I needed to find Cara. I need to see her again, if I could just talk to her alone. We got back to the clearing. Ava and Cara were sitting on the grass talking. Me and Noah made our way over to them. Ava looked up and smiled.

"Hey guys. My dad is making pizza tonight, you want to join us?" She asked.

"Of course we do." Noah said putting his arm around my shoulders. I looked at him and he immediately took it off. "What time?"

"Um i dont know." She shrugged. "I guess we should head over now. It is almost six." We got to our feet. I was about to shift, but then remebered Cara couldn't. "You want to race to the road?"

"yes!" Cara jumped up. "ready...set...go!"

She sprinted off. Ava took the lead right away. We ran for a while till we hit the main trail. Cara had a burst of speed and flew past Ava. I had a lot of muscles, but more upper strength. In other words I wasn't very fast. Soon everyone was in front of me. I wasn't far behind though. I finally got to the road. Cara was leaning agaisnt a tree while Ava and Noah tried to catch their breath.

"You want to race back to the house?" Cara asked.

"NO" We all shouted. Then burst out laughing.

"Lets go." I said then started walking. We didn't walk in silence. Cara would always start a conversation if we stopped talking.

Ava and Noah were walking ahead of me and Cara so I felt like I should say something.

"Can we start over?" Cara said.

"That would be great." I said.

"Hi I'm Cara." She smiled at me. I love her smile.

"Im Nick, Nick Stone." I anwsered.

She smiled and flipped her hair. "I like it."

We finally got to the house and walked into the house. Ava's dad was in the kitchen cooking. Cara and Ava went into Ava's room to change clothes. They came out together. Cara was wearing black shorts and at tight tank top. She looked so hot. I had to controll myself though. My wolf wanted my mate, but if she didn't want me I had to back off.

"So what do you guys want to do?" She asked sitting down on the same couch as me.

"truth or dare?" Ava said in a mysterious voice. As if daring us to say yes.

I shrugged, Noah did too, Cara smiled and said absolutely.

"ok. Nick. what is your middle name" Ava asked.

"ugh Charles..." I sighed.

Ava and Noah burst out laughing while Cara tried not to.

We carried on for a while. It was Noahs turn to ask someone now.

"Cara, truth or dare?" He smirked.

"um... dare." she smiled.

He smiled his devil smile. "ok. I dare you to kiss Nick. For 15 seconds."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to hurt you." she said then turned to me. "ok. I guess I'm kissing you."

She leaned forward and kiss me. I couldn't help it. I kissed her back. Soon it turned into an actual kiss.

I heard Ava and Noah laughing. I pulled away. She did too then glanced up at me.

"fifteen seconds ended thirty seconds ago guys." Noah said then winked at me.

Chapter cuatro! I guess its going to be my thing to write the numbers in Spanish...? Just watch my forget to do it! :o


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