Chapter 18- Broken

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*Nicks POV*

I looked back over my shoulder to see Cara. Ryan had put his arms around her reassuringly. I growled inwardly to myself. I turned back to everyone else who was looking at me for direction.

"Where are they?" I asked my beta Chandler.

He step forward and replied. "They seem to be making their way to the pack house. They will probably be there when we get there is my thought."

"Tanner, Krissa, Chandler, come with me. Niomi, Gage, Jake go with Jake." I said before turning to get into my truck and driving away.

We drove up to the pack house and I saw several wolves already shifted. Some were from the SunLight pack and some from my own. One wolf ran and jumped towards me. I grabbed him and snapped his neck in on swift motion.

"Where is Alpha mason?" I asked.

"He doesn't seem to be here. But their beta is." Tanner said walking up to stand next to me.

I sighed. "Ok let's get this over with." I said Tue walked into the middle of the battle. I tore a male off on of my pack mates. I was fighting three wolves at once and they were slowly advancing. Then a black and silver blur came and took out two of my opponents. Then I took down the other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while ripping off his shoulder hearing him shriek."what does it look like? I'm protecting my pack." Ava said with a growl then ran off.

Tanner ran up to me. "They got to the pack house."

"Let's go." I growled then ran to the pack house. I helped several of my pack mates and picked off other as we went. Once I got there I flung the door open and stepped in. I let out a vicious growl. "I suggest you all leave before you get killed." I said. They didn't move. I snarled. "Now!"

They all ran away yelping after that. I helped up the pack mates that they were fighting. I heard someone run in.

"Nick." Ava said.

"I'm busy." I growled.

"Nick its your parents." She whispered while coming up behind me.

"What?" I snarled.

"They got to your house." The words barely left her mouth before I got up and raced out the door. I ran as fast as I could to my house. I got to the door and I saw bloody foot prints leading up to it. I shifted then kicked down the door and ran in. I saw the beta of the Sunlight pack in there and immediately tackle him to the ground and smashed his head into the floor. I got up and left his body there. I stumbled over to a dead body and fell to my knees. I held the lifeless body of my mother in my arms. I looked around and saw my father laying on the floor in a bloody puddle. Red sticky blood was splattered on the walls. I pressed my head against my mothers and let everything become a blur.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there but I soon heard some wolves walk in. I didn't move, I didn't want anyone to be here now. I felt Tanner's hand on my shoulder.

"Go get her." Ava said then someone ran off slashing through the blood on the floor.

I kneeled there for ever I thought. Soon the sweetest smell I have ever smelled drifted toward me. I felt someone come kneel by me and take my hand. I looked up to see Cara staring back at me. Her eyes a bright blue insted of their usual green.

She never said a word to me. Just said with my sharing my pain. Slowly it eased.

Alpha Nick I thought.

Ok you all have probably lost a family member before. I haven't. I never knew my grandparents on my dads side and the closest thing to a family member that I lost was my dog. And that hurt like a bitch. I can't imagine loosing someone from my family. I have a friend that has and let me just say. Thank you for not giving up,

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