Chapter 15- Training

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Okayyy I decided to put up a pic of Ava.

Just to let you know she is like a version of one of my real life bff. Most of my characters are based off of people I know, well mostly who I am friends with.

*Cara's POV*

I slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt then walked outside.

Nick was on his phone when I walked out but hung up right away.

"Who was that?" I asked while walking over to him.

"It was no one." He said smoothly while rubbing my back.

"Ok... So what to guys want to do?" I said.

"Well blaze is coming over to start training." Nick said.

"Oh ok. Should I go change again?" I asked.

"No your fine." Nick told me.

I heard the door bell ring and got up to get the door. Blaze stood at the door. He was wearing a tight shirt that accented his muscles. I opened the door and let him in. "everyone is out back." I said then walked to the door to the patio. Noah got up and shook Blaze's hand and shared a few words before Noah sat back down. Nick didn't say anything but just watched every single one of Blaze's move.

"Lets begin." Blaze said then stepped out onto the grass. "Come at me." He said then got ready.

I rushed at him but he grabbed both my arms and pinned me against him. I heard Nick growling behind me. Blaze let me go.

"You are fast. Use it. You won't be able to beat wolves stronger then you if you go by strength." He said. "Try again."

He said I slowly paced around waiting for him to make a move. He lunged at me, but I dodged him. He reached out and grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground. He got on top of me and pinned me. He got off and stood up.

"You are week. You have to make the first move." He said. "Again."

I got up then took a breath then shifted. I lunged he tried to grab me by the neck but I ducked and hit him hard in the stomach. He let out a grunt. I twisted around and latched my teeth onto his shoulder. He growl in pain then rolled over ontop of me. I gasped for air as my lunges where crushed by his weight. He finally got off me and shifted.

"That was better. Always try to stay ontop. If they get ontop of you, you will be screwed."

I nodded and tried to ingrave it in my head. I started to walk back over to Nick. I felt a heavy arm across my shoulders and looked up to see Blaze. I looked over at Nick. His eyes had turned black with hatred aimed towards Blaze. Blaze smirked at him. Nick stood up and stalked over to Blaze. He grabbed Blaze's arm and ripped it off my shoulders. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled ne into him. He let out a vicious growl. "Go home."

"Of course Alpha Nick." Blaze said sarcastically then saluted him and left.

"I'm sorry." I said looking up at him and rubbing his back. His eyes changed back to their natural color.

"It's alright. I never want another male to touch you." He growled.

I nodded then hugged him. I could feel that his muscles were still tense.

I let out a sigh. "Let's get some ice cream." I said the grabbed his hand and pulled him inside my house. Noah followed us. I had forgotten he was here.

I pulled out the ice cream and started putting it into bowls. Nick wrapped his arms around my waist and put hid chin on my shoulder. I wasn't sure how he did the though considering I am so short.

We went down stairs and ate ice cream and watched tv for a bit.

I heard the door bell ring and foot steps coming down the stairs.

"What's up muchachos?" Ava said while jumping onto the couch and taking my ice cream.

"Rude much?" I said sarcastically.

"You two love birds can share." She said then waved her hands around signaling that she got a brain freeze.

We all laughed at her and she growled at us.

Yay finally finished the chapter!!! I had writers block.... For three weeks.... Sometimes....


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