Chapter 22- Screwed

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Ok so new point of view.

Keeping things diffrent.


*Dawson's POV*

"He can suck my ass." Cara said turning back to face me. I smirked. She rolled her big green eyes "Shut up."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up stairs. She was different then most girls I caught here. Especially the type if girl to be with Nick Stone. He usually went for the dumb easy to pick up girls. Cara didn't come across to me like that. Especially since she was drinking punch.

We got up stairs. The music pounded in my ears. I could tell whatever I was drinking was getting to me a little but wolves have high alcohol tolerance. I slipped onto the dance floor with Cara in my hands. At first she wasn't really into it, but she found the beat. She was drinking something else now and it was pretty strong.

"What are you drinking?" I asked over the pounding music.

"I dont know." She said spinning around. I could tell it was getting to her a little. That drink was strong even to wolves. "Can you get me another. Like two more." She said waving her glass.

I nodded then slipped out of the room back to the bar.

"Alpha, we did what you told and got results." I turned around to see two of my pack mates.

"What do you got for me Mike?" I said handing the glace to the bartender.

"Not much. She is a new wolf. Didn't she till not that long ago. She is in Nick Stone's pack. And has or had a relationship with him. And not just a one night thing. Apparently they went on dates." He said.

"Dates?" I said puzzled. "Mock doesn't go on dates."

"That's why we think she is his mate." Mike said. "But I think they are fighting so they kinda broke up."

"Alright thanks." I said then taking the glasses from the bartender and walking back to Cara.

"Here you go." I said handing her her glass. She downed the first one right away. She shook her head.

"Woah!" She said slurring her words. "That packs a punch."

After a few more drinks I had Cara pressed against me. I had a major boner. But come on. What guy wouldn't when you got a girl pressing her ass against you. She had drank like three more of those drinks and was drunk.

I wrapped my arms against her waist and pulled her into me. I put my head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. I felt something on it though. I pulled back her hair to see what it was.

A mark. Nicks mark.

I growled slightly then shook it off. My phone buzzed so I pulled it out.

~we need to talk. Now. Meet me at the front door.~

It was from Mike. I detached myself from Cara. She turned and looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Got to take care of some business. I will be back soon." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then left.

I slipped through the crowd of people out to the front door. I opened the door and slipped through. I looked over to my left only to roll my eyes. Mike had some bleech blond bimbo pressed against the wall. Making his way down to her chest, that was practically spilling out of her shirt.

I cleared my throat. They broke a part. "Get lost." I said to the chick who gasped then looked to mike who just waved goodbye. "What do you got me?"

"Well I got conformation that she is Nick's mate. And I have heard around that he is here too." He said while taking out a ciggaret.

"Sh*t." I said running my fingers through my hair.

He took a long draw from is ciggaret before speaking. "I would use it to your advantage. Get her to like you. It only leads to good things. She won't let him hurt you."

I nodded my head. "Well I better get back to her then. I don't want Nick to find her first or for her to go off with someone else." I said then walked back inside.

Before I went inside I met up with Gina. Old "friend" of mine. I told her to come over and she said we should catch up which I gladly agreed to. She was one of my favorites. At first she wanted to do it tonight but I said that I was with someone else which she understood. That was another reason why I liked her.

I finally got back to Cara only to growl. Some guy was trying to dance with her. I walked up to him and threw him on the floor. He hit the floor hard. I turned back to Cara. She had a unreadable expression that worried me. But I pretended to ignore it and grabbed her hands in mine and began to dance with her.

I spun her away from me but she bummed into some guy. They starred st eachother for a few seconds before I yanked her back into me. I gave the guy a glare before I even saw his face. I should have looked to see who it was.

I'm screwed...

Alright! Went into the mind of Dawson and found out Nick is at the party too. Personaly its hard to write in a point of view of someone who is like that but with my mind I can make it work.

Vote and comment!!! Love you!

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