Chapter 7- Finally

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*Cara's POV*

We were sitting on the couch laughing because of a joke I had made. I just couldn't stop smiling.

"Woah! I better be going, its getting late. Don't want my parents to worry about loosing the future alpha." Nick said.

"Jeez flaunt much?" I said raising my eye brow.

"How so?" He asked leaning backwards.

"Like every convo we have you say something about being the future alpha. But it's kinda cute." I said shyly looking down at my hands.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I wanted to pull away, but something stopped me. I guess it was my wolf. I would hear her more often. He was slighly hovering over me. I pressed my hand against his abbs. Even through his shirt I could feel how solid he was. I ran my finger over him. He had a perfevtly toned eight pack.He started to pull away. I leaned forward and followed his lips. I then ran my tounge over my bottom lip. He just got up and left after that. I wanted to follow him and my wolf told me too, but I just watched him leave.

I went and made dinner then went to bed. I wasn't tired but I was hoping that sleep would get Nick and our kiss off my mind.

I wolk up to a noise. It was dark out but the light from the moon shown in. I heard another click. I got up and walked over to my window. Nick was standing there throwing rocks at it. I opened my window and looked down at him.

"Nick what are you doing here." I shouted down.

"My parents are fighting. I hate to see them fight. I couldn't stay and you were the only person I thought of coming to." He said sticking his hands in his pockets. Clearly embarrased.

"Ok. I will be down in a minute. We can take a walk." He smiled up at me. I closed my window then grabbed a sweatshirt and went outside.

We walked in silence for a while. "I don't understand why they fight. They are mates. They are suppose to be perfect for eachother." He said with a hint of anger, and kicked the ground.

"Every couple fights. Even if they are perfect for eachother. They really do love eachother. Like all mates." I said while slipping my hand into his.

He glanced down at our hands. "I just wished they wouldn't. I hate it!" He shouted the last part.

"I know. But everything is going to be ok." I said then stopped walking. He stopped too and looked down at me. I didn't even relize what I was doing. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. We stood there for a minute till I took a step back. "Want to go for a run?" I asked.

He nodded then I dashed off. I glanced back to see if he was following. He was. I looked forward. All of a sudden I shifted into wolf form!

"Cara! Look at me Cara!" I heard Nick yell at me. I remembered that once you shift your wolf can tell who your mate is.

"I want to enjoy this I bit longer." I said then took off running. It felt so good to feel every muscle move under my skin. I finally did a whole lap around my territory. I trotted up to Nick then took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Mate! Mate! He is your mate!" I heard my wolf practically scream at me.

I shifted back into human form. "Your my-" I didn't get to even finding my sentence.

"I know." Nick said, then pulled me into him for a long kiss. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip requesting entrance. Which I denied. I took a step back. Nick gave me a questioning look.

"Let's go back to my place." I said in my most seductive voice while running my fingers across his abbs. We walked back to my house together and went up into my room.

Chapter siete is uppp! You happy that they are finally together? You better be. Don't get to attached though... Jk! I'm attached myself!


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