Chapter 34- day 1

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*Cara's POV*

I rolled over in bed and looked up Nick. I grazed over him with my eyes. His defined jaw and usually hard face which was now relaxed. I slipped out of his grip.

I walked down the hall and saw everyone waiting in the kitchen.

"Finally. We are starving, what's for breakfast?" Noah asked while taking a seat at the counter.

"Cereal." I said while pulling out boxes. "Im too lazy right now to make breakfast.

"Well then." He said while grabbing a bowl. "I thought this was a five star place."

"Noah if you are going to keep complaining I'm going to kick you out." I looked up to see Nick walking in, in all his godlyness.

"Put on a shirt. No one cares about seeing that." Ava said rolling her eyes at him.

He glanced my way with a smirk. "I think someone does." He said then sent a wink my way.

I felt my face heat up and quickly turned away and got a bowl for me. I jumped a little when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

He sighed heavily before whispering in my ear. "I enjoyed last night." His lips brushed my ear as he spoke.

"Vomit. You two are gross. Do you not think we can't hear you." Noah said while rolling his eyes.

I quickly slipped out of his strong arms and poured a bowl. I swear if he keeps up like this my wolf is going to take over again and I will just jump on him.

"Sooo I'm going to go out on a limb and say something happened...." Ava said slowly then practically jumped on me. "What happened?"

I lifted her arms off of me. "Nothing happened."

"Fine. If you won't talk then I will ask mister big boy over here." She said before skipping over to Nick. "Alright what happened?"

Tell her and you are introuble. I mind linked him while glaring at him.

I saw him go to open his mouth but paused. "Nothing. We just talked." He said before walking away.

I walked silently down to the lake. After breakfast everyone went off to do their own thing while I took some time off for myself.

I got to the edge of the dock and sat down in a chair. I looked out across the placid lake before it was disturbed by a boat. "Man is it nice up here." I said to myself while talking in a deep breath of fresh air.

I always loved the air up here. It was so clear and fresh. I missed coming up here with my family. We used to have everyone up here and would have parties and fire works. It was nice.

"Hey Cara." My thoughts were disturbed all to quickly. "Come on up. We are going to decide what to do today." Chandler called down to me from the deck.

I sighed before getting up and starting the hike up to the house.

Once I finally got up to the house Nick was standing outside waiting for me. "They are all arguing and what they want to do inside." He said pointing with his thumb to to the door.

I groaned before swinging the door open. "We are going to the sand bar to go tubing and wakeboarding and that's final."

They all stared at me before they began to yell at me. "What if we don't want to do that?"

"I want to do it it sounds fun."

"Ewww what if the lake has leaches!"

"Oh shut up you will live."

"Everyone shut up." We have enough days to do what everyone wants and today we are going to the sand bar. Thats final." I yelled at them all.

"Alright fine." Chandler said. "What do we have to do?"

"Ok we need a cooler with pop, towels, sandwiches, snacks, everyone needs a swimsuit, we have to get the boats out, get the tube, get the wakeboard, get the ropes, sunscreen, and anything else you want." I listed everything off.

"Woah. We better get a move on." Noah said then jumped off the counter and out the door.

Ok I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated I have been totally busy all the time I kinda forgot about it a couple of times. Sorry if it wasn't my best. I'm going to try to put another chapter up today. I thank everyone who is still reading this book. I love my readers!

Vote and comment! Bye

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