Chapter 40- Rear View Mirror

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Notice- this is in a different POV again so remember that. Also tell me if you like me writing in different point of views.

*Ava's POV*

I chucked my phone angrily into the passenger seat once Nick hang up. "No one tells me anything." I growled before gripping the stearing wheel and pressing on the gas. Dirt came up behind me and the sky darkened. I looked down as my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ava its Noah. Where did you go? We are supposed to be discussing a plan remember?" Noah asked into the phone.

Rolling my eyes. "Stop being my baby sitter. I'm going to get Cara. Call the doctor and tell him to be ready for her. She has a broken arm and I'm guessing some more inquires."

Next thing he shouted into the phone. "Your going to get Cara? Where are you going I'm coming with! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Noah. Stop what you are doing and take off your shoes." I said slowly. "You cant come. They said only me or Cara gets hurt. Plus you can't go anyways. I took your truck."

"You took my truck! Seriously! Last time I let you drive you rolled it!" He complained like always. "And how did you know I put my shoes on?"

"Because I know you too well for my own good. And your truck will be fine. Anyways call the doctor don't do anything stupid. Bye." I hung up and tossed my phone down. Noah can be so childish at times.

I turned up the radio and tried to clear my head and relax. Stress can really get overwhelming sometimes. But I can handle it, like everything else life throws at me.

I reached the field in no time and skidded to a stop. I jumped out of the car and walked out a little ways into the field. A fog had already set in on the field so think I couldn't see my feet. My senses were on high alert as I scanned my surroundings.

I looked over to my right as I heard a car drive up. A black truck crawled down the road. A guy stepped out then walked over to the passenger door and opened it. Cara stepped down and I immediately noticed her cradling her right arm. I looked over her quick to see if she was hurt any where else but all I saw was her limping slightly.

I didn't look at the guy bringing her to me till we were about ten feet about. And then my heart dropped into my stomach as we locked eyes. "Mate hurt Luna." My wolf growled in my head. One things you need to know about my wolf is that she is very protective about her pack and especially her friends.

"Um." He said softly staring at me.

I walked forward towards him then reached out and grabbed Cara. I gently lead her down the hill towards the car. I helped her in then walked around to the drivers seat.

"Hey you can't just walk away. We should at least exchange phone numbers or something. Or tell me your name. I'm Daniel by the way." He said while reaching out to grab my wrist.

I turned around and pinned him against the car. "Get this through your head. The minute that you messed with my pack you earned yourself a one way ticket to the top of my hate list. I don't care who you are. Just stay away from me and my pack and we won't have a problem." I snarled at him.

I heard a growl behind me and turned to see three wolves walking towards us. I thought about my chances of beating all of them. I knew I could win but I couldn't risk getting Cara killed.

I gave Daniel one last glance before getting into the car and backing out. I looked into my mirror quick. I could see Daniel standing there watching me go. I shook my head and decided to forget about it. I decided to leavie him in my rear view mirror.

Ok guys. I know that that was a short chapter but I will be updating soon so keep reading! And tell what you think about Cara and Daniel!

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