Chapter 6- Closer

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*Nick's POV*

I woke up and was just about to strech but I stopped myself. Cara was laying with me with her head on my chest. I had my arms wrapped around her body. I didn't know how we ended up like this, but I didn't care. I didn't want to move so I just closed my eyes.

"I don't get it. They both woke up, opened their eyes, but just fell back asleep." I heard Noah say.

"Maybe they like it?" Ava said gigling a little.

"Doubt it. Cara hates him." Noah said.

"I dont hate him." Cara said so I opened my eyes. She went to get up but I still had my arms around her. "Nick. Release." She said slapping my arm.

I imediatly let her go. "Sorry." She stood up and I sat up to. She glanced back and smiled at me, then followed Ava into the kitchen.

"Nice going bro." Noah said then winked at me and went into the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen too. I sat down at the table and watched Cara make pancakes. They had the radio on and she was singing and had a sway to her hips that drove me crazy. I got up and walked over to her. I rested my head on her shoulder then wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"I can walk you home if you like. Then we can talk and stuff." I said in my most seductive voice.

She paused for a molment. "Ok. Now go sit down." She said while peeling my arms off of her. Her touch sent tingles through me. I went and sat down. Noah sat in the chair to my right, and Ava sat on his right leaving my left for Cara. Cara brought over a big plate of pancakes then sat down.

I grabbed four pancakes and doused them in syrup. Cara asked for the syrup which i quickly grabbed for her. I am pretty sure she ran her fingers across my hand before taking it from me on purpose. She glanced up through her eye lashes at me.

After breakfast I helped Cara pick up all of her things then we said good bye to Ava and Noah. We walked outside then down the road. Cara told me where she lived so I lead the way till we were out of my territory. We talked the whole way there. She told me about her crazy cousin who pushed Cara out of a tree. From the impact she had dislocated her shoulder. She told me about how whenever she is in pain she laughs. That worried me because I would want her to be in pain but having me think she is fine. It turns out we both have a strange addiction to apple cider.

We finally reached the edge of her territory. We walked across a bridge that went over a small stream. I pratically ran across the bridge. I dont like water. When we got to her house she showed me around. She had a pretty big house, mine was still bigger though.

We were sitting on the couch laughing because of a joke she had made when I relized what time it was. "Woah! I better be going, its getting late. Don't want my parents to worry about loosing the future alpha."

"Jeez flaunt much?" She said raising her eye brow. That look drove me crazy.

"How so?" I asked trying to controll my need for my mate.

"Like every convo we have you say something about being the future alpha. But it's kinda cute." She said looking down.

I leaned forward and kissed her. I was slightly leaning on top of her. It drove me crazy when she layed her hand on my abbs. I gentally pulled away, leaving her begging for more. She didn't say it but I could tell by the way she followed my lips. She ran her tounge over her bottom lip. That made my wolf howl telling me to kiss her again. But it didn't. I got up and left.

Chapter seis! No why did Nick leave?! They just kissed!


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