Chapter 10- Aggresive

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*Nick's POV*

I was so happy when I heard my mom say I could leave. With Cara. To my room. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I set her down on my bed, the sat down next to her.

"Thank you so much for being so nice around my parents and Blaze." I said laying on my back. She came and laid down too then put her head on my chest.

"It was nothing. Your parents are really nice. Blaze was more of a challenge." She said running her finger across my abbs slowly getting lower every time.

"Yeah they are all right." I said. "You are the best." She straddled my waist, so I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you so much." I said while kissing her. I slipped my hand under her shirt and started rubbing circles on her stomach. She let out a small moan.

"What about your parents?" She said between breaths.

"Sound proof walls baby. You don't have to worry about a thing kitten." I said. I rolled us over so I was on top. I hovered over her for a couple seconds looking at her perfect body. Her beautiful chocolate brown hair, her dark green eyes, her tan skin, and long legs... I carried on in my head listing things.

*will you hurry up and do something.* my wolf Jace growled.

*shut up. She isn't going any where any time soon. We got all night.* I anwsered.

*more like a half hour. She just yawned.*

"Tired already?" I asked her.

"Yeah a little." She yawned.

"Well then wake up." I said them plunged my tongue in her mouth. We kissed in sync till I lost track of time. I traced her jaw then went to her neck. I nipped at the spot where her mark was. She leg out a moan of pleasure. I did that a couple times till I finally rolled off of her. I pulled her close to me with the smell of lilac and pine needle in my nose.

I flashed open my eyes. It was morning. Cara was straddling me and letting her hands wander along my arms and chest feeling every muscle. I leaned forward and started to kiss her. She push me down with her hands on my chest.

"I'm going to take a shower." She whispered in my ear, then walked in to the bathroom. I knew she had added extra sway to her hips knowing I was watching.

*man she is smoking hot.* Jace said.

"I know." I said out load.

"What was that?" Cara said peeking around the door. Not wearing any clothes I might add.

"Oh nothing." I said with a smirk.

After Cara got out of the shower I went and took mine. After I got out I spiked up my hair, then put on a pair of Nike shorts. I walk out to see Cara laying on my bed wearing shorts and a tanktop. She got up and walked over to me. Never taking her eyes off of me. She put her hands on my shoulders feeling my muscles. Her touch sent tingles through my skin. I grabbed her by the waist and laid her down on my bed. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I leaned down onto her and started to kiss her. I ran my tongue along her lips but she wouldn't let me in. I let out a growl. Jace was trying to get out but I held him back. I grabbed her butt in my hand. Cara gasped and I quickly invaded her mouth.

"Oh my sweet innocent eyes!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turned around to see Noah standing in the door way.

I growled. "What do you want?"

"Mom told me to come and tell you that breakfast is ready." he said with a smirk. "How is it going Cara?"

I moved so she could sit up. "Its going great."

"Thats good." He soluted me then walked out.

"Your brother is....." Cara started to say but trailed off.

"A asshole and walks in at the worst of times?" I said.

"Yeah pretty much. lets go eat."

When we got into the kitchen Noah was already leaning against the counter with a smirk.

"You better whipe that smirk off you face." Cara said glarring at him.

"And if I dont?" He asked.

"I will smack it right off your face." She said with a growl. Oh that is hot, I thought.

"Only if you can catch me!" He said then dashed out the patio door.

Cara growled then dashed after him. They shifted and I watched as she caught up with him. She tackled him and they both shifted back. Cara smacked him across the face then got up and came back inside.

"I like her." My dad said.

"Yeah me too." Noah said sarcasticly while rubbing his face. There was a big hand print on it.

"Hello hello! Hope you don't mind I came over." I heard Ava call as she came in. "Noah... what happened to your face?" She said holding back a laugh.

"She happened!" He said pointing at Cara. My dad got up and left the room.

"Nice one C." She said giving Cara a high five.

"Any time." she said while Noah glared a her. "You desserved it dumbass!"

Chapter diez is done and up and ready to read! Little heat between nick and Cara *wink wink* sorry being the weird me! Oh I will just stop. Comment and vote!


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