Chapter 12- Sir

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*Nick's POV*

I pulled up to Cara's house. I had a bouquet of roses in my right hand. I took a deep breath then jogged up to the front door. I rang the door bell then took a step back. I heard hard foot steps coming towards the door. It wasnt Cara though, I shifted on my feet nervously. I shouldn't be nervous Im going to be an alpha soon. The door opened and I looked back up. A tall man with brown hair, blue eyes, and muscles stood in the door way.

"You must be Nick. Plesure to meet you." He said extending his hand.

I shook it then said. "and same to you sir."

"Come in and you can call me Mark." we walked in and sat down in the living room. I shifted nervously, I had to ace this or it would get really hard to see Cara. "So Nick, tell me about yourself." He said leaning back in his chair.

"Well, I'm eightteen. I am home schooled. I play football. I have a twin brother named Noah. I hunt and-" I said but was inturupted.

"What do you hunt?" Mark asked finally seeming intrested in what I had to say.

"um. Mostly deer, but I go on a hunting trip every year with my dad and brother, and we hunt pheasant." I said.

He nodded. "Me and Cara hunt deer and pheasant too, but also elk, duck, geese, and turkey. We are both handy with a gun." He said that in a threatening tone.

"Of course sir." I said.

*Why am i so damn scarred?*

"now, back to you and Cara." He said raising his eye brow. "have you head any past girlfriends?"

"Yes, two. One when I was seven. and one not too long ago." I said wairily.

"Why did you break up?" He asked.

"Um... well I broke up with her because we had our diffrences and I met Cara." I anwsered shyly.

"And why is that?" He almost growled.

"Well I just loved her whole personality. Her sassy, independance, her smile, strength, kindness, her love to make people laugh." I said. "I hope you know sir that I will treat Cara with the most respect in the world, and will never push her."

"I know you wont." He smiled. "You seem like a nice young boy." Right when we both stood up when we heard a door open and close.

Cara came down the stair in a blue and white tanktop, tight black skirt, tall black heels that gave her atleast five inches, her hair was in a loose side braid. Her outfit fit her perfectly, all in the right places. I swear she was walking down the stairs in slow motion. I had to hold back from saying wow "Hi daddy." She said walking down stair and giving him a hug. "Nick" She said smileling at me.

"I brought these for you." I said handing her the flowers. "You look beautiful by the way."

She brought them up to her nose and smelled them. "Thank you." She said, "I'm going to go put them in a vase." She brushed my hand as she walked by. I watched and looked at how her hair moved with her.

"You better not be looking at her you know what." Mark said.

"No sir! I was actually looking at her hair. Are the blond streaks natural?"

"Yes. Anyways, I want her home by ten thirty. No later. Keep your hands to yourself, bring her back in one piece, no drinking, no clubs-" he rambled on but I interrupted.

"Please sir. I know." I said right when Cara came back in the room. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep, bye dad." She said kissing his cheek. He whispered something in her ear. "I know. Let's go." She said and walked off to the door.

"Bye, and nice to meet you sir." I said the closed the door behind us. I ran over and opened the door to my truck for her. I knew her dad was watching.

We drove onto the main road when Cara said. "You were so great with my dad. He really likes you, he told me."

"Really? I thought he hated me." I said.

"Oh no, he just has to intimidate you. You are my boyfriend, and he is my dad. It's his job." She laughed. "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I said. "You look hot by the way. I'm surprised your dad let you walk out in that.

"He almost didn't let me. But then I told him you were a nice boy, and...I have pepper spray in my purse." She mumbled.

"Pepper spray? Really?" I said shocked.

"It was either that or my pocket knife." She said.

"You scared me sometimes..." I said.

"Good." She said.

We pulled up to big fancy restaurant and I ran to open her door. We walked in holding hands and were emidiatly brought to our table. The waiter was clearly flirting with her, she ignored him though.

"And what would the young lady like to drink?" Asked Scott our waiter.

"I will have a Mountain Dew. Are there free refills?" Cara asked politely.

"For you gorgeous." He said with a grin.

"Thank you." She said.

"Did you not just see that?" I growled. "He flirted with you with me sitting right here! I mean honestly."

"It's ok. Don't let that bug you. Your are the only guy I see." She said while rubbing my hand gently. "Do you want to play like twenty questions? Get to know each other better."

"Yeah ok."

We played that for a while. Fav color; mine blue, hers purple, animal; mine lion, hers tiger, and so on.

"Ok last question." She said, while picking at her salad. She didn't like salad.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked.

"W-what?" She coughed.

"You know what I said." I said.

"Yes I am. I don't have time to go around being a slut." She said and we both laughed.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Well I have volleyball, lacrose, trap, school, band, college coming up. And all the stuff I do with my fam. Wake boarding, snow boarding, skiing, tubing, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, and going to the cabin." She said in a rush.

"Wow. Busy girl." I said.

We sat at the restaurant for hours just talking. After that we got up and left. I gave her my jacket, then lead her to the car. We headed back to her house, laughing and talking. I gave her a kiss before we pulled up into her driveway knowing her dad wouldn't let me when we got to her house. I walked her up the steps and inside.

"Hi dad." She said walking over to give him a hug. "Oh here is your jacket."

"Keep it." I said and put my hands in my pocket.

She smiled. "Ok. I'm going to go up stairs and go to bed. More like sit for and hour talking every thing off." She said. "Good night Nick. I had fun, we should do something again." She said the went upstairs.

"You did good. Brought her home earlier and safe." Mark said. "What did you two do?"

"We went to a restaurant and stayed there the whole time just talking." I said.

"Good." He said shaking my hand. "Just remember, hurt her and I will give you pains you have never endured."

"I know. Don't worry, I would never hurt her." I said trying to reassure him. "I better get going." Cara came running down the stairs in sweatpants and tank top. "Now this looks more like Cara." I said.

She smiled. "I wanted to come down and say good bye." She said while walking over to the door with me. She brought me into a hug and I hugged her buck. Not to much though. Knowing her dad was watching. I was the first to pull away actually. "Bye." She whispered.

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