Chapter 28- Just Peachy

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*Cara's POV*

When Nick whispered that word into my ear it sent shivers through my entire body. I could feel him smirk when he kissed my neck. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ava slowly sneaking away then run out into the backyard yelling horribly words. "Nick and Cara are having sex in the hall!" I gasp then quickly chase after her. In no time I had her in my sight. She let out a squeal then took off running.

"I'm going to kill you!" I yelled while chasing her. I was right on her heals I took a flying leap, crashing into her back and taking her down. I had pinned to the ground and was about to yell at her until I heard a cough. I looked up. Everyone was staring at us... And when I say everyone I meant everyone! "Uuuhhhh...." I said awkwardly before getting to my feet and brushing off my clothes. Ava got up too and we stood there awkwardly together. Nick came up to me. His arm slinked around my waist.

"That was adorable princess." He whispered into my ear. Then addressed everyone as a whole. Scram." He staid in his alpha voice. Everyone practically tripped over their own feet to get out of the way. Had chuckled to himself seeing them.

"Thanks. That was.... embarrassing." I said leaning his chest.

"Well yeah. I mean I knew you weren't going to let her get away with saying that." He said while his hands moved to my lower back. And when I say lower back. I mean lower back! "So let's just do it with out anyone knowing."he whispered mockingly into my ear. I let out a small laugh while he closed the gap between us and had our lips meet. The longer our lips touch I could tell the more he wanted to go further.

"Uh-hem" I heard someone clear their throat. I slowly pulled away and looked to my left. Chandler and someone else I didn't recognize. I heard nick growl lowly at them.

"Can I help you?!" Nick snapped at them.

"Uh sorry to interrupt you during your... little session alpha. We have a situation." Chandler said while glancing in my direction.

I hid my face in Nick's chest as he growled. "Well handle it!"

"Alpha we need you to come check it out." Chandler said while bowing his head.

Nick growled slightly the nodded his head. he looked down at me then pressed his forehead against mine. "I will be back as soon as I can." He whispered tome then let Chandler and the other guy lead him away.

I sighed then straightened out my dress. I decided I might as well meet some people so I went over to a small group of girls. They all bowed their heads in respect. "Hello Luna" a couple of them said.

"Oh you don't have to call me that. I'm Cara." Once I said that they all looked unsure.

"Oh please. I am sure alpha wouldn't approve. Plus no one is aloud to call their alpha or luna by their first name unless we are close to them." One girl said. She was medium height with short brown hair. "I'm Emily." She said extending a hand for me to shake. I shook it and smiled. "have you tried the apple pie?" She asked.

"No I haven't! I'm going to have to go get some." I said.

"Excuse me ladies. I'm going to have to borrow your Luna for a couple minutes." A deep husky voice that I didn't recognize said right behind me.

"Of course." One of the girls said while twirling her hair with her finger. "Maybe you can borrow me when your done." She said then winked at the man who was directly behind me.

I heard him chuckle. "Maybe." He said. I felt his hand go to my wrist as he pulled me away. I could only see the back of him as I struggled to keep from tripping over my own feet.

He was tall but not as tall as Nick. He was wearing a tight white shirt that accented his muscles. He had brown hair that had blond highlights at the front where it was spiked up. He dragged me all the way through the house till we reached garage. He opened the door then shut it behind me. I finally got a good look at his face. He had dark brown eyes and a little beard going. It would be a lie if I said he wasn't cute.

"Can I help you?" I asked putting a hand in my hip. I could see his eyes taking in my features.

"What does your wolf look like?" He asked taking a step forward only for me to take a step back.

"Why do you want to know?" I asking at him nit sure why he was asking.

His hands drifted through his hair before he anwsered. "Conversation starter?" He said looking at me. "Oh never mind. I want to show you something." He said grabbing my wrist again. Had no choice but to follow. His grip tightened the more I struggled.

We got out side and all I saw was a bunch of cars parked. I heard the squeal of tires as a black van swerved into the drive way. "Here is our ride sweat heart." He whispered into my ear. I tensed up as soon as they came out of his mouth. He pushed me forward once the car came to a stop. I pushed back and fought to stay where I was. I heard him growl right before he picked me up bridal style and carried me toward the car. I struggled against him and landed on good shot with my elbow right into his neck. He bent over and coughed and dropped me right onto the ground. I tried to get my feet as fast as I could. He grabbed me by the arm and landed a hard punched me right in the jaw.

"Ow!" I said right before he grabbed me and through me over his shoulder. "Nick help!" I yelled as loud as I could. I heard the door to the house swing open.

Out came a very pissed off Nick. "Put her down!" He snarled. I swear it shook the whole ground.

"And if I don't?" The man growled back.

"You will regret it for the rest of your life." Nick said darkly as he stalked over to us.

I felt being lifted off and flying through the air. Right before I hit the ground hard. I sat up on my hands and looked over and Nick was growling at the other guy.

"Your still going to pay Jake." Nick growled at Jake right before he lunged at him.

They wrestled on the ground before Nick pinned Jake to the ground and started punching him. I heard a crack and a yelp come from Jake. Blood was oozing from his face as he struggled to get out of Nick's grasp. Nick was shaking with furry. He stopped punching then yanked him to his feet.

"If you ever" punch. "Touch her" punch. "Again." Punch. "I will kill you!" Nick punched him till I heard a crack. Jake scream in pain. His shirt now soaked in blood.

"Nick" I said as I stumbled to my feet. I walked over to him. "Nick you have to stop." I said and finally reached out to touch him. Once my hand reached his he froze and his eyes slowly came to mine.

"What?" He said through clenched teeth.

"You need to stop." I whispered. "Please."

He hesitated but finally nodded and let Jake drop to the ground. Jake leaped to his feet and ran towards the van. The door was flung open and he jumped in. "Go" I heard him yell before they sped off.

"You ok?" Nick asked me while turning to look at me.

"Just peachy."

Hey guys! Sorry for taking sooooo long. I actually went home from school sick today. And I was taking and bath and was typing this on my phone. But anyways I just barely dropped my phone in the water and screamed. Anyways I almost died and so yeah. Thanks for reading!

Vote and comment! Stay peachy!

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