Chapter 33- Cabin

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*Nick's POV*

I looked to my side and saw Cara fast asleep. Without a seat belt on. I shook my head then reached over and buckled her in.

After about two more hours of driving through the think forest she finally woke up.

She sat up then looked around. "Turn left." She said quietly while blinking sleep out of her eyes "We are here."

I turned left down onto a drive way and rolled down the hill slowly. A big cabin stretched out in front of us. It had dark red wood and a little porch.

"Welcome to the cabin." She said happily. "Garage to your right. Lake is out behind the cabin along with our sand volleyball court, bout house, fire pit, and hot tub. And then behind us in another garage where we put our four wheelers and snowmobiles. And then over there is the guest cabin and over there is the four wheeling trail."

"You have two cabins? At the same place?" I asked.

"Ok well its technically my grandparents because my grandpa is kinda rich. But they moved so now its my whole family. And I have a lot of cousin and aunts and uncles. And we have another cabin in the woods too. And two of my uncle's have cabins up here." She said while jumping out of the car.

"Well alright then." I said then jumped out.

She skipped up too the house and took out a key. "Grab my stuff." She yelled over her shoulder.

I shook my head before grabbing our bags. I looked up to see the two other cars coming down the driveway. I gave them a quick wave before walking into the house. I swung open the door then looked around a bit.

There was a huge kitchen to my left and a living room right out infront of me. And I might add the fact that they had a huge tv.

"You like?" Cara asked while walking in.

"It's awesome." I said. "Where should I put our stuff?"

"Well you are sleeping downstairs and I'm sleeping down that hall." She said while pointing to the hall.

I grabbed our bags and started walking down the hall. "Oh no babe. We will be sleeping together." I said then chucked our bags in the room.

"Oh whatever." She said them mumbled something about big protective alphas.

"Helloooooo anyone home??? That isn't already getting their grove on because then I totally am going to interrupt you anyways!" I heard Ava yelled while she let the door slam.

"We are right here." I yelled.

"Fine no fun for me I guess." She muttered. "Any whoooo where am I sleeping? Away from someone in particular I hope."

"Yeah you are down stairs. Pick whatever room you want." Cara said while pointing to the stairs.

"Kkz" Ava grabbed her stuff and just threw it down the stairs.

"Yay go ahead make your self at home..." Cara muttered then told everyone else where they were staying.

After they all left to go to their own room and to sleep I finally got some alone time. Well when we are out of the car.

I snuck up behind Cara and snaked my arms around her waste. She leaned back into my chest as I started to kiss along her neck.

"Finally some alone time." I growled onto her skin.

"Actually." She said then slipped out of my hold. "Time for bed." She said then strutted down the hall.

Man she has a cute butt. My wolf growled. "oh be quite..."

"What was that?" Cara melodic voice rang out.

"Nothing." I said then walked into our room and took off my clothes till I was only in boxers.

I looked up when I saw Cara come out of the bathroom wearing only a bra and shorts.

I let out a small growl before pulling her into me. I ran my hands across her skin and leaving gently kisses across her neck.

"I am loving this cabin." I smirked.

Ok I know this was short and wasn't my best but I'm trying to update faster. So whatever.

Anyways vote and comment peeps!

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