Chapter 35- Crashing

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*Nick's POV*

I leaned against the counter and listened to Cara boss everyone around. She is going to be a great Luna. Probably more alpha than Luna. I straightened up when her gaze came to mine.

"You can go get the cooler from the garage and put some pop in it." She announced before walking out the door.

"yes mam." I said saluting her, only to get a glare in return of course. "Ok never mind. Off to get a cooler." I said then walked out side, letting the door slam behind me. I strolled across the sidewalk and into the garage. The cool air swept across my skin, cooling me off. I flipped on the light and did a quick look around. I found a big blue cooler on a self and quickly pulled it down.

I carried the cooler out onto the porch and ditched it to go get drinks. I grabbed more than enough drinks and ice for the whole day. I swung open the door and poked my head in. "You guys have any food that needs to go in the cooler?"

"Ya, we have tons of sandwiches that need to go in." Ava yelled in then came striding out. I held the door for her then went and grabbed some more sandwiches. I'm pretty sure we had too many sandwiches for just us. After I put in all the sandwiches the cooler just barely would close. "Ok I think we are done. probably just need to change clothes." Ava announced before walking down stairs.

I went into me and Cara's room to change clothes. Walking out the door I noticed that the cooler was still there. Probably was left there purposely for me to carry. Couldn't blame them though, it was very heavy.

I took the long trek down the hill towards the dock. Everyone was already down there in full motion. They already had two boats out. A pontoon and I smooth speed boat. They had the tube on the dock, along with several tangles of ropes, which Krissa was attempting to untangle. Cara walked by caring a wake board over her head. She tossed it into the boat then walked back into the boat house.

After we got everything that was "needed" we all gathered on the dock. "Ok so who can drive a boat? Safely...?" Cara asked surveying the group. "Ok fantastic, Chandler you take that boat and I will drive the pontoon. Everyone else can just pick what boat your going on." Cara turned to go on the boat but quickly twisted back. "And Chandler, if anything happens to that boat, then you are going to be in big trouble."

I followed Cara onto the boat and slipped into the drivers seat right before her. She sat right down on my lap not even noticing. "If you thought you were going to be able to make some smart comeback about how to get me sit with you well your wrong." She sounded totally serious till she turned and I saw her bright smile. She planted a soft lingering kiss on my lips before back the boat back. "Ok lets get this show on the road! Noah sit down or you're going overboard." She yelled up to him before swinging the boat around. He would totally fell of if he had kept standing.

I relaxed into the chair after we started going for a bit. I put one of my arms around Cara's tiny waist. After a while of rocking through the waves and the constant chatter of everyone I finally drifted into a light sleep. I jolted awake when I no longer felt Cara in my arms.

"Hey, hey relax. I'm right here." Cara said as her hands drifted across my shoulder. "you fell asleep and we got to the sandbar so I decided to let you sleep."

"Oh ok. Thanks." I answered sleepily.

"Now come on. The lake is waiting and I'm ready to party. Plus if you don't tell Noah to take a break he will drink all your beer." She answered before slipping out of her shorts and taking my hand.

We walked over to the bow of the boat and Cara jumped down onto the sand. I followed quickly, liking the feeling of the sand under my toes. Cara ran out into the water a ways out before turning around to look at me. "Lets get this party started." She yelled over to me. A wave came crashing down around her giving her this movie look effect. I walked out to her. My wild eyes grazing her smooth body. "My eyes are up here." She said.

"I know." I whispered then scooped her up and closed the gap between us, crashing my lips onto hers.

Ok I am SUPER sorry for taking so long to update. I had it almost done and then when I came back it was gone(probs my fault). Anyways enjoy! 

Also sorry for it being so short!

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