Chapter 21- Lights

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Okie dookie! I am putting a pic of the guy that is coming up in this chapter. Hint hint *wink* *wink*!

*Cara's POV*

I walked inside and slipped up into my room. I dropped onto my bed. What did I just do...? My wolf had stopped talking to me. I couldn't tell if she was mad or hurt by what had happened. I wondered if she blamed me.

I walked down stairs and got food and pop and movies. I went down stairs and watched movies in my room.

I stayed in my room for a long time. I eventually heard the door open and close. I looked over to see Ava standing in the door way wearing tight black pants and I dark green sparkly party shirt. Her hair was down and straightend, and had only a little makeup on.

"Noah told me what happened." She said while walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Noah knows?" I said, my voice full of dread.

"Yup." She walked into my closet. "So I was thinking. Since we all know you guys are going to get back together soon..." I growled at the thought of us getting back together. I hated him. But loved him... I didn't know. "Anyways. I was thinking we have a little fun about it. Most couples that end up getting married break up and get back together. Or marry their brother. My cousin did that. Then her ex married her bestfriend... It was an awkward wedding.... So let's go!" She walked out tossing me some clothes. A almost match to what she was wearing but my shirt was blue and I had a black jacket and boots.

I reluctantly put them on. I groaned inwardly to myself. I just wanted to stay home. I knew he would be pissed. I pictured him finding out. His soft blue eyes turning into a dark shadowed grey. I smirked to myself. He wouldn't like it. Fantastic. I stalked down stairs and grabbed my purse then walked out to the car. Ava was waiting there for me. I slid into the car.

"Let's go." I said. A smile pulling at the corners of my lips.

We rolled down the driveway to a massive house. I gasped at the immense size of it. Lights hung all over the place and there was people everywhere. I think I saw a guy pretending to ride a inflatable unicorn.... But you know I don't judge.

"It's a wolf party. No one owns the house, its just a place for everyone to hang. There isn't a exact pack for it. There are probably 15 different packs here." Ava said while parking.

"Woah." I said still in astonishment.

"Well let's go." She said skipping out of the car.

I could smell the beer already. It stung my nose but I tried to ignore it. I had already seen to people passed out and wasn't even on the lawn yet. And a couple people having probably too much fun in their cars. I only hoped that they had protection.

"If I was you. I would stick by me." Ava said glancing at one of the cars. "Some guys just can't keep it in their pants." She smirked strutting ahead of me.

Ok then. This is going to be a long night.

We had been here for about a hour and were dancing with a group of girls. Most girls who came alone were either dancing with other girls or with a random guy. Most guys are with girls or leaning against the wall eyeing them. Trying to pick out their next victim. I know it sounds exaggerated but that's how it is. I split from the group and squeezed into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it with punch. Atleast that is what it looked and smelled like and what the sign said, but in this place you never know. I took I small sip of it trying to tell. It seemed legit so I carried on. I turned around to walk right into a brick wall. Not actually that is just how muscular this guy was.

"Filling up on beer?" He asked looking down at me. Not talking a step back. But I did.

"Punch." I said nodding to my cup and taking a sip.

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