Chapter 14- Mine

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*Nicks's POV*

After Cara left I fell back asleep. I woke up after a few hours and walked down stair in to the kitchen. Noah was there leaning against the counter watching tv like usual.

"hey bro. so what do you want to do today?" he asked me.

"well I was planning on spending the day with Cara." I said putting a eggo in the toaster.

"really dude? all you do is hang out with her." he said rolling his eyes.

"well she is my mate. you can come with if you want." I said soaking my eggo in syrup.

"I guess so. when do we leave?" he asked.

"now I said grabbing my keys and jacket then walked to the door. we got in my truck then backed down the drive way. we drove a ways then I took out my phone and tossed it to Noah.

"call Cara and ask if her dad has left." I said.

He dialed her number and let it ring three times.

"hi babe." I heard Cara say.

"hey." Noah said trying to sound like me, I just shook my head.

"hi Noah. what's up?"

"Nick wants to know if your dad is gone. we are on our way over." he said.

"yeah he left like five minutes ago. see you then." Cara answered then hung up.

I pulled up into her driveway and put it in park. I jumped out and walked inside. Cara ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

"missed me?" I said while setting her down.

"just a little. so what should we do. oh Noah is here too right?" she said looking around.

"yes I am right here. But its ok I totally understand that you cant notice someone that is only 3 feet away from you." Noah said sarcastically.

Cara rolled her eyes. Then walked into the kitchen. "you two want anything to drink?" she asked while grabbing a mountain dew. we both nodded and she tossed us each one as well. We went and sat outside on the patio. Cara came out wearing a pink bikini. I liked it but it would have been easier if Noah wasnt here.

"so you never told me about your family." I said leaning back in my chair. she laid out a towel and tried to tan.

"ok well I have a mom, dad, sister, and brother. I have two dogs and I use to have a hamster but it died. I am the youngest in my family. my sisters going into college and my brother is going to be a senior and I am going to be a junior." she answered then rolled over onto her stomach. "my sister has a summer job and is gone during the week. and my brother is spending the summer at my grandparents cabin helping out with stuff."

"Cool." I said and watched her as she walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"I'm going to change clothes." Cara said then got up and walked inside.

I watched her walk inside then pulled my phone out of my pocket when I heard it ring.

"Hello?" I said cautiously.

"Nick, its Blaze. I am driving over to Cara's house right now." Blaze said in his deep thick voice.

"But you aren't supposed to start training till next week?" I said.

"Yeah but I want to get to know her better." He responded. I let out a deep growl. "What is that a problem or something?"

"Yeah it is." I said gruffly.

He snorted then said "and why is that?"

I growled. "She's mine." I said then hung up my phone.

Ooh Blaze is coming over and Nick might have slipped about him and Cara! But why does it matter?! I know but I want to leave you hanging.
Vote and comment! Love you guys <3

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