Chapter 20- Shattered

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*Nick's POV*

I kept my eyes closed a ad she came in. I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"Nick." She said then I heard her walk over to me. "You shouldn't drink."

She wasn't mad at me. I was almost sure she would be. She slipped the bottle I was currently finishing out of my hands. She set it down on my wooden bed stand. "I know I should be mad at you but I'm not. I can never get mad at you." She said then sat down on the bed next to me. "Why?" She asked while pushing my face up so I had to look at her.

Her eyes were a mello green. Her lips were slightly parted and she immediately calmed me.

"It takes away the pain." I said not moving my eyes off of her.

"There are other things that can take away pain." She said her voice as smooth water.

"Like?" I said while looking away finally.

"Me?" She said then lifted my face up so I had to look at her. She trailed her finger across my face then into my hair, then back down. Let out a groan and she smirked at me. She moved so she was sitting on my lap then wrapped her legs around my waist.

I'm pretty sure I had a scarred look on my face. She weaved her fingers through my hair while the other one traced my abbs.

"You're right." I whispered. She did take away the pain.

She smiled then leaned forward onto me. She stopped so are lips were millimeters apart. She licked her lips, her tongue brushed mine. Then she leaned forward and kissed me. I knew she was going to have dominance and so did she. I deepened the kissed with my tongue. I massaged her tongue with mine. She let out a small moan and a grin immediately showed on my face.

I looked up as someone cleared their throat. It was Ryan. "The pack is asking for you." He said then his eyes drifted to Cara and scanned her body. I growled and wrapped my arms around her.

"Mine." I growled.

"Oh please I have heard that way to much. We all know how its going to end." He said then walked out.

"What does he mean?" Cara asked.

"Nothing its fine." I said while rubbing her back.

She pulled away from me and stood up. She turned and faced away from me. "You should talk to you pack." She said then walked out.

I sighed then ran my fingers through my hair. I turned and kicked the table and heard a smash. The bottle from earlier lay shattered on the ground.

I turned and walked out of my room. There was several of my pack mates in my living room. Tanner and Ava were standing there trying to keep them under control.

"There he is!" I heard someone shout. They all broke past Tanner and Ava and rushed to me. They immediately surround me with a rush of questions.

"Quiet! Everyone just stop talking." I said using the my alpha voice. "We are not going to attack them. Yes they did kill my parents. No one else was killed. I don't know why they were here."

"You never answered my question." I turned around to see Ryan leaning against the wall. "Have you found a Luna yet?"

"No. I have not." I said while clenching my jaw.

He smirked then slid out of the room.

That guy really pissed me off. If he even goes near Cara I will rip off his arm.

I heard the door slam shut then open quietly then close. I growl then stalked towards the door. Cara was walking down the street with one hand in her pocket the other running through her hair. Ryan was slowly jogging to catch up with her. I growled but restrained myself. I would just see what they were going to do. They just walked and talked quietly, too quiet for me to here. I saw her nod to something then break off the road into the forest.

I saw them shift and run off. I shifted too and started to track them. I couldn't find them for a while, but then I heard them talking. I looked over too them. They had shifted back to human form and were sitting on a fallen down tree. He leaned forward onto her but she pulled away. I shifted and walked over to them. I guess they didn't notice me till grabbed Ryan by the neck. Then lifted him off the ground. Cara gasped and jumped to her feet.

"You stay away from her!" I snarled at him.

"Why should I?" His voice struggled to come out.

"Shes mine!" I shouted at him.

He smirked. "You said you haven't found your mate."

"You said what?!" Cara yelled at me. Then punched me in the arm when I didn't answer. I dropped Ryan to the ground and let him lay there gasping for breath.

"I wasn't sure if you were ready to become Luna." I said trying to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"You never asked. I can't take it. And you never tell anyone that we are together. You say I'm just a friend. I am starting to think you don't want to be with me." She said taking a few steps back.

"I do want to be with you. But being a alpha everyone expects me to claim my mate right away and you don't want that to happen." I said then kicked Ryan back down when he tried to get up.

"You never ask what I want. I have heard about your history with girls. Am I going to end up like them too?" She said then turned and walked off. She shifted then ran off.

I watched her run off, unable to move. Ryan stumbled to get up. I turned grabbed his arm and snapped in half. I dropped him then turned and walked home.

My heart shattered into a million pieces in that single movement.

I lost her. There was no one for me to blame bit myself.

Yeah I know you guys hate me but thats why I didn't tell you my address! Just kidding. I didn't put it up because there are stalkers... Anyway just keep reading. You will live.
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