Chapter 11- Date?

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Ok I got another pic of Cara so you can look at that too.

*Cara's POV*

We walked in to Ava's house and sat on the floor. "Your mom called earlier. She said she would be back tommorow at like three." Ava said.

"Kk. So what should we do?" I asked.

"I think we should just hang out." Nick said while pulling me onto his lap.

"Orrrr me and Cara could go into the kitchen and talk and make food." Ava said grabbing my hand and pulled me up.

Oh boy. Why do friends alway want to talk about boyfriends.

"sooo whats going on with you two?" Ava whispered.

"The most we have done is kiss." I said taking out the pizza rolls and putting them into a plate.

"Good. Noah owes ten bucks." She smiled then put the plate in the microwave.

"Why?" I asked slightly worried. "Did you two make a bet?"

"Maybe..." She said and I gave her that look said 'tell me now before i hurt you'. She gave in. "Ok ok. we made a bet on when you two would f*ck."

"Ava!" I gasped. "You little whore!"

"Hey!" She said. We both glared at eachother, then burst out laughing.

"Who wants pizza rolls?" I yelled as I walked into the living room. Nick and Noah we talking quietly together.

"Noah you owe me ten buck." Ava said as she walked in.

"What? why?" He said picking up a pizza roll.

"the bet." She said winking at him.

"Oh sh*t" He said and ate the roll. "Oh sh*t! Hot hot hot!" He said running around like a chicken. We all laughed at him, then put in a movie. I sat on the couch with Nick.

"Come here gorgeous." He said pulling me onto his lap, then streched out his legs. He started to kiss my neck and I had to stifle back a moan.

"You guys arent going to do it on the couch infront of us?" Noah asked.

"no promisses." Nick said rubbing my hips.

"Oh god im going to vomit. What if you were just sitting there watching me kiss Ava?" Noah asked.

"Um one that would never happen. Two Ava would slap you. Three I would beat the sh*t out of you!" I said growling at him.

"Relax prinsses." Nick said rubbing circles on my stomach.

"Prinsses?" Noah said lifting one eye brow.

"He ever calls me Cara. Always by pet names. Like prinsses, babe, baby, peaches, kitten, georgous, beutifull, love, my love, sugar, star, angel, and my angel." I said.

"What ever. Im going to sleep." Ava said walking off to her bed. Noah was soon asleep too.

"So my angel. Your parents." Nick said. "Should we just tell them we are dating?"

"Yeah that would work." I aswsered, getting sleepy.

"So I guess we would have to go on a date to be dating?" He said then kissed my neck.

"Yeah I guess so." I said wondering what he was saying.

"Well. Cara Brooke Rosa. Would you like to go on a date with me on sunday night?" He said.

"Nick." I paused. I could tell he was getting anxious. "I would love to."

"ok good. Now lets go to sleep sexy." He said.

"Cara. Wake up you mom is going to be here in a hour." I head Ava say.

"What?! I need to eat, shower, pack, and you need to leave." I said to Nick getting up.

He groaned. "Why cant you stay here. With me. Forever." he said.

"Nick. you know I cant." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"I know babe. I guess I will just have to dream about it and wait till tonight." He said.

"Ok im going to go take a shower." I said then kissed his cheak.

After the shower I went and ate the waffels that Ava had made. "Where is Nick?" I asked. Ava pointed over her shoulder. Nick was outside, shirtless and doing burbies. If you dont know what burbies are, they are a mix of jumping jacks, squats, and push ups. I opened the patio door. "Nick come inside."

He got up and came inside. "What?" I stalked over to him, rubbing his biceps.

"You're so hot when you just finished working out." I said.

"Really?" He said. "beasuse i can go back out?"

I laughed. "No i think your good"

"Cara, your mom is here." Ava said.

I shoved Nick off of me. "Oh im sorry, just mom my cant see us. Doing this. And put on a shirt." I went and picked up my stuff and walked to the door. Nick picked up some of my stuff. "Hey mom."

"Hi." She said.

I climbed in to the pasanger seat. "Bye." I yelled to Nick.

"So who was that?" My mom asked.

"Nick. Um mom... Speaking of Nick." I said.

"Yes?" She said turning off the radio.

"He asked me out on a date. For tonight." I said looking out the window. "Can I go."

"Of course! This is the first date you have had since your break up with Austin." She said all excited. "Where are you going? What are you going to wear?"

"I dont know. I will text him." I said then pulled out my phone. "We are going to some fancy place." I said.

"Oh. Well you better ask what time." She said.

"Six." I anwsered.

"Well go inside and start getting ready." My mom said as we drove into the garage.

I got out and ran up into my room. What to wear. What to wear. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair. I stood there and let the water wash over me for a bit then got out. I wrapped a towl around myself. I then put on sweats and a tanktop. I walked down stairs and made a pb&j sandwhich.

"So? Who is the lucky guy to be going on a date with my sis?" My sister came in.

"Reice, it isnt a big deal. chill. I have been on a date before." I said. My sisters name was Clarice, but everyone called her Reice.

"Yeah I know, but you have been in a slump ever since Austin. Anyways. What is his name? What does he look like? What is he like?"

I rolled my eyes. "His name is Nick. He is tall, with dark dark brown hair almost black. Here is a pic."

"Damn he is H.O.T!" She said and I gave her a glare. "Sorry, carry on."

"Well he is really cute, sweet, he is very tough too, he works out, and is super musular." I said remebering him. "We talked like all week. Ava got a little anoyed."

"Have you kissed?"

"No... we hugged but it was breif." I said.

She squealed. "Can I do your hair and make up?"

"Um no..." I said. I grabbed my sandwhich then went upstairs. I sat down infront of my mirior and brushed out my hair. I put it down, letting my brown hair fall to my shoulders. I had small streaks of blond in my hair. It was natural though. I put on so make up, but not to much. I then grabbed my white shirt, and a tight black jeggings.

Oooh they are going on a date! Oh and I ran out of Spanish numbers because my teacher only taught us up to ten. But anyways vote and comment!

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