Chapter 30- Tangled

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*Cara's POV*

Once Nick shut the bathroom door and turned on the water I went and jumped on his bed. It was really soft. I looked around the room and took everything in. It was dark. Most of the colors carried from black, gray, and white. A little boring but I didn't mind. His room was exactly what I expected. There was one door to the bathroom and the other I guessed lead to his closet.

I fell backwards onto his bed. I never really ever looked around his room since last time we mostly kissed. I quietly chuckled to myself thinking about it. And when Noah walked in. That was awkward.

"Hey Cara." Speak of the devil. I sat up to see Noah leaning against the door frame. "Whatever you do don't open that drawer." He said seriously, pointing to Nick's bedside table.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Let's just say Nick is definitely ready when you are." He said.

"What....?" I asked then looked over to the bathroom door. I looked back over to him but he was gone. "Ok then..." I said to myself then got up and grabbed my bag that Nick must have brought in. I quickly changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

I jumped back onto his bed then looked over to the table. I slowly crawled over to it and opened it. I let out a little squeak. I was definitely not ready for what he was ready for! I heard the water shut off and quickly shut the drawer and moved away from it.

I heard the door open and sit up. Nick stepped out and I'm pretty sure he could here my heart beating now. He was only wearing a towel that hung a little to low! Only a f*cking towel! I silently sat there while checking him out. I could see every muscle on him. He was perfect.

"Like what you see?" He asked me with a smirk.

I blushed for a second but quickly pulled on a smirk. "I have seen better." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

I heard him growl and his eyes went dark. Then he slowly walked over to me. I could see his muscles tensed, which only attracted me to him more. Person I thought he was so hot when he was mad.

He finally reached me and put his hands on either side of my head.

"Don't say that ever again." He growled quietly.

I laid my hand on his chest as he tower over me. I could feel his heart beat on my hand and he tensed up even more. "Cara..." He groaned as I slowly brought my hand lower till I reached his towel.

"Put some clothes on." I said then pushed him away.

He stood there stiffly looking at me before turning and walking away. He walked into his closet and shut the door. Not before pulling off hid towel and giving me a good look at his butt. Which I pretty cute. He came out wearing only boxers.

I jumped under the covers and turned away from him so I didn't look at his beautiful body... And perfect abbs.... And gorgeous face. Oh shut up. I told myself.

I felt a muscular arm snake around my waist. He pulled me into his chest and I heard let out a heavy sigh.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked quietly to himself.

I thought to myself. I wasn't that hard of a mate right? Of course not. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he moved closer to me. His soft lips kissed my neck and where he marked me. I bit my tongue but that didn't help. I finally let out a moan.

I could feel him smirk against my skin. I rolled over so I could look at him and wrap my arms around him. His eyes were dark with lust. It sent butterflies through out my stomach.

He rolled over so he hovered over me. One arm on either side of ny head. "I love you." He said to me. Barely audible even for me.

"I love you too." I whispered back. I heard his heart skip a beat and knew he meant it. We both stared into eachothers eyes searching for something we knew wasn't there.

He slowly leaned down onto me till our lips touched. We both exploded with need we had kept inside all day. He asked for entry which I quickly granted. We both fought for dominance which I happily won.

We finally broke a part, but only for Nick to train open kissed down my neck. I let out a moan and let my hands get tangled in his hair. I pulled on it gently and heard him groan. His whole body was pressed against mine. I let my legs wrap around his waste. I needed to be closer to him.

Nick nipped where he marked me and I let out a moan. I could now feel something poking me and chuckled silently to myself. His hands moved under my shirt and rubbed my back. Which wasn't helping my wolf. She wanted all of him and wanted out.

His kisses kept getting lower and lower alone with his hands.

"Nick" I breathed out.

He groaned. "Say it again."

"We should stop." I said and felt him stop.

He looked up at me then rolled off. "Sorry." he muttered then went to sleep.

I sighed feeling bad about myself for making him stop but I knew we couldn't go too far. I will make it up to him. I felt like every time we were having a 'molment' it always got ruined some how. Well. Time to do something for him.

Heyyyy! I have been doing nothing all day so hey! Why not write right? Anyways can't wait to hear what Cara is going to do for Nick! But its a secret of course. Hope you guys love it and I will updating soon. (Btw love the song animals by maroon 5 check it out!)

Anyways vote and comment! And merry early Christmas!!!

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