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"Hi mom I missed you." I smiled hugging her. "I missed you too, so much. How are you?" She asked. "I'm doing better. It was hard, but I'm glad to be back." I said letting out a deep breath. "Im sorry about what happened." she said. "Its not your fault."

"So how is everything here?" I asked looking around. "Good. A new couple moved in across the road a couple days ago." she smiled. "Does Arielle still live over there?" I asked. She nodded and looked over at her house. "She should be getting home soon."

"I thought they were getting an apartment?" I asked. "I thought so too. Maybe something changed." she shrugged. "Can you believe that?" Hannah laughed as she walked down the road with Arielle. Arielle looked good, better than ever actually. "Yeah, actually I can believe that Zack would eat a flower." Arielle laughed. "Well don't just sit here, go say something." my mom smiled at me. I nodded and said, "Okay."

I got up and walked towards them, they didn't seem to notice though. "Uh, hey." I said as I came up to them. They both looked over and Arielle's face dropped. "Cameron?" Hannah asked. "Yeah, hi." I smiled. Hannah smiled and engulfed me in a hug. "Damn I missed you." she laughed as she pulled away. "I missed you too." I said. I looked over at Arielle waiting for her to say something but she just stood there.

So once I left Arielle and I kept contact, then we just stopped talking. I guess long distance really is as hard as they say it is. Im not going to lie, I was still in love with her. It's been almost a year since I last saw her and she still makes my heart almost leap out of my chest.

"How's college?" Hannah asked. "Well as good as online college can be." I shrugged, "What about you?" She smiled and said, "Its good. So what brings you back here?"

I thought about it, I could've stayed in Florida, why didn't I? Arielle. "I missed home." I smiled. "Oh, so not necessarily someone?" She asked looking at Arielle. I wanted to say yes that's exactly why I came back, but I didn't know if Arielle had a boyfriend or anything. "Yeah, maybe." I said. "Why don't you come inside with us? It's Friday and we don't have class tomorrow!" Hannah smiled.

"I'm not sure Arielle wants me to." I laughed. "Arielle?" Hannah asked zoning her back in. "Yeah, uh, come in." she said. We walked inside Arielle's house and her dad greeted them. "Hannah, Arielle, I missed you guys." he smiled. "You remember Cameron right?" Hannah asked pulling me up beside her. "Of course. Hello Cameron, how are you?" He smiled. "Good, what about you?" I asked. "I'm great." he chuckled.

"I thought about ordering pizza later." he said as we walked upstairs. "Sounds good." Hannah laughed. Arielle hadn't said one word since I saw her. We closed Arielle's bedroom door and they sat down while I stood awkwardly.

"You can sit." Arielle said. "Oh, right. Thanks." I smiled. All she did was nod, indicating she heard me as I sat down. "I still can't believe you're back! It's been so different without you here!" Hannah laughed. "How so? You and Zack are the same old happy couple, an you guys are in college." I said. "Yeah, and Arielle's been going on dates." Hannah smirked. I looked over at her and Arielle's cheeks warmed up. "They didn't work out." she shrugged.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Hannah said leaving the room. It was silent so I decided to apologize. "Arielle I'm sorry. I left and things aren't the same but I want to try." I started. "Stop." she demanded. "What?" I asked shocked. "What? Did you think you could just show up here and I'd take you back? You broke my heart Cameron. You left me wondering. I was heartbroken for months, thinking of the things you and Megan were doing." she said looking away.

"You know I'd never do anything with Megan. I had to go, I couldn't be like my father. I had to go for my child." I sighed. "And where's your baby now?" She asked angrily. I swallowed hard. "Uh there isn't one." I said. "What do you mean there isn't one?"

"A couple weeks after we moved to Florida Megan had a miscarriage." I said. It truly did break my heart. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said. I shook my head and said, "No I'm sorry."

"Why did you come back?" She asked. "I couldn't stay there anymore. Everything was about the baby and all it did was make me sad. Besides I was and still am in love with you. I couldn't go any longer without seeing you." I said. "So you thought you could come back and everything would go back to the way it was?" She laughed. "No, I thought I'd come back and make you admit that you're still in love with me." She laughed and said, "What makes you think I'm still in love with you."

I reached up and caressed her cheek with my hand. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek into my hand. "Look Arielle." I said. She quickly opened her eyes and pulled away from me. "I moved on." she said. "Where's your boyfriend at?" I asked. She didn't say anything. "Exactly." I smirked. Hannah came back in the room and smiled. "Did you guys have sex while I was gone?" She asked.

"No, but Cameron was just about to leave." Arielle said. I smiled and stood up. I kissed her cheek and said, "I love you." then walked out.


And so it begins (;

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