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"So when's the wedding?" my mom smiled. "July 23rd." I said. "That's next month." she said. "I know." I chuckled. "Okay, just making sure. Have you guys looked at houses yet?" she asked as she sat down beside me. "Actually yeah. We looked at one yesterday and loved it. We already signed the paperwork and paid the first month so we get the key tomorrow." I smiled.

"Wow, I'm happy for you." my mom smiled as she hugged me. She sniffled and I felt my shoulder start getting damp. "Mom, why are you crying?" I asked. "I'm just so happy for you and I'm proud of you. A couple years ago I had to yell at you for using girls for sex and now you're getting married." she cried. "I love you." I said as I rubbed her back. "I love you too. Congratulations." she said wiping her tears.

"Thank you." I smiled. The next day we got the key to the house and Arielle was beyond excited. "Cam we're moving into our own house! We're getting married!" she smiled. "I had no idea!" I chuckled. "Shut up! Its just now feeling real." she laughed. "Well we should probably buy some furniture and stuff." I chuckled as we walked into the house. "When?" she asked. "Now." I smiled. "Okay." she nodded as we locked the house and got back into the car.

I drove to IKEA and we picked out all of our furniture and decorations. Once we were done we had them deliver it to our house. They moved everything in and we set it up. By the time we were done it was almost 3 in the morning. "Wow, we have officially moved into our own house." Arielle smiled. I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her body towards mine.

"I love you." I smiled. "I love you lots more." she giggled as she kissed me. "You know we should probably break in our new bed don't ya think?" I smirked. "And how would we do that Mr. Dallas?" she giggled. "I think you know how Mrs. Dallas." I said. She smiled and placed her hands on my cheek. I felt the cold ring touch my face and I smiled. She grinned and leaned forward to connect our lips.

I picked her up and carried her into our new bedroom then closed the door. I say her down on the bed and pulled off my shirt before reconnecting our lips. She pulled off her tank top and then I reached back and unhooked her bra. She pulled it off and threw it onto the ground with the rest of our discarded clothes. She unbuttoned my jeans and started pulling them down. I pulled them off and then slid my boxers off before I pulled her tiny shorts down.

"You should really start wearing more clothing. I don't want other guys looking at you like I do." I breathed against her neck. "As long as you don't take your shirt off in front of other girls." she giggled. "You got it baby." I laughed as I continued kissing her neck. I reached the side of her neck and sucked and blew, leaving a hickey.

I pulled down her panties and reconnected our lips. "Shit I don't have a condom." I breathed heavily. "I forgot uh check your wallet." she said. "I used the last one a couple weeks ago and forgot to put more in there." I said. "I don't have any either." she groaned. I got up and went to grab my pants. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To buy condoms because now I'm sexually frustrated." I chuckled. "Who said we even need a condom? We are getting married next month." she blushed. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded and bit her lip. "Okay, it's gonna feel different." I said.

I hovered over her again as I placed myself at her entrance and slowly slid into her. She dug her nails into my back as she moaned. I started picking up my pace as she moved her hips to my pace. She came around me as I pulled out and ran into the bathroom. I came onto the floor and just looked at it. Wow that's never happened before.

She had put my shirt on and came into the bathroom. "Oh wow." she laughed. "That's embarrassing." I chuckled. She shrugged before she left the bathroom. She came back and handed me a pair of sweatpants. I pulled them on and then cleaned the cum off of the floor. I climbed into bed with her and pulled her to my chest. "You look hot in my clothes." I smiled. She blushed and cuddled up next to me. We both fell asleep as I played with her hair.


sorry for not updating I can't think of anything to write about. But very sexual I know lol

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