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"Arielle?" I asked as I climbed out of bed. She didn't reply but I heard her crying as I walked into the bathroom. "Arielle what's wrong?" I asked as I pulled her into my chest. "I don't even know. I got up and had to pee and when I came in here I remembered watching that movie last night and I started crying because of the ending." She sniffled.

I chuckled and rubbed her back. "Pregnancy problems." I laughed. "This is all your fault." She laughed as she wiped away her tears. "Why?" I asked confused. "Maybe if you weren't so hot and could keep your penis in your pants I wouldn't be pregnant and emotional." She laughed. "Hey, that's a two person job." I said defending myself. "Start being ugly." She groaned. "I could say the same for you." I laughed.

My phone started ringing so I walked out of the bathroom to get it before putting it up to my ear. "Hello?" I answered. "Cameron Dallas?" The man on the other line asked. "Yes, this is him." I said. "We have the test results back." He said. Arielle looked at me confused across the room. "They came back negative. The baby isn't yours." He said. I took a breath of relief and said, "Thank you so much."

We hung up and I smiled before kissing Arielle. "Why are you so happy?" She giggled. "The test results came back negative." I smiled. "Thats great." She said. "Now we can focus on our child." I smiled. She smiled and looked down at her stomach. "Let's get ready and go to my doctor's appointment, husband." She giggled. "Sounds great, wife." I laughed as she pulled me into the bathroom again.


"Do you want to know the gender of the baby?" The doctor asked. Arielle looked over at me and smiled before she looked back over at the doctor and nodded. I grabbed her hand and squeezed as the doctor typed on the computer. She looked back over at us and smiled before she said, "You're having a girl."

"Congratulations." She said. I kissed Arielle's lips and held her hand again. After we left we went back to her dads house. When we walked in my mom was sitting at the table with her dad. "Hey guys." Her dad smiled. "Hi." Arielle said hugging her dad. I hugged my my mom and kissed her cheek. "Where have ya been?" She asked as we sat down. "Busy." I said. "I understand." She smiled.

"Well Cameron and I have some news." Arielle smiled. They sat there quietly waiting for us to speak. "We're having a girl." Arielle said. "Congratulations. You guys are going to be such good parents." My mom smiled. "Thank you."

"What are you naming your baby?" Mason asked. "We don't know yet. Do you have any suggestions?" I asked. "Mason is a good name." He smiled. "Its a girl." I chuckled. "Oh, well how about Laura?" He said. "I don't like that name." Arielle said. "Sorry, I can't think of anymore." Mason shrugged.

After we left we went back home and sat on the couch. "I like the name Hadley." Arielle smiled. "Me too." I said. "Hadley Dallas. I like that." She smiled. "And I like you." I grinned. "Good because I like you too." She giggled.


Can you believe there's only a couple more chapters left in this book? Ugh so sad but hopefully you like the ending (:

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