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"Which one should we get?" Arielle asked as we looked at all the different pregnancy tests. "I don't know. I've never done this before either." I chuckled. She looked at all of the different ones and then looked back at me. "Here, let's just get three different ones just to make sure." I said as I grabbed three different boxes. "Okay." She said as we walked to the counter to buy them. We walked up and the lady gave us a weird look.

Arielle blushed as she scanned the items. "Fifteen dollars." The lady said. I pulled my wallet out and handed her a twenty dollar bill." She gave me the change back and handed me the bag with the tests in it. We walked out and got back into the car. "That was so embarrassing." Arielle blushed as we started driving. "That lady was weird." I shrugged. The rest of the ride was silent until we pulled into our driveway. We got out and went inside to the bathroom.

"I'll wait out here." I said. "Good idea." She giggled. She walked in and closed the door. I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. I was so nervous. A couple minutes later she came out smiling at me. "They all say positive." She smiled. I smiled and pulled her into my arms. "We're having a baby!" She smiled once I put her down. I kissed her lips and smiled again. "I can't wait." I smiled.

"I love you." She said kissing me. "I love you too." I said.


"Thank god I have you to give me a massage. These cramps are horrible." She groaned. She was laying on her stomach in our bed as I massaged her back. I moved my hands gently over her back over and over again. "You can stop whenever you want to." She giggled. "I don't want you to be in any pain." I said. "Its gonna happen. The cramps have gone away for the most part." She said. She sat up and held her bra in place. I unhooked it so that I could massage her back so it was almost completely off.

"You can have sex while you're pregnant right?" I chuckled. "Yeah, until like the 7th month or something like that." She giggled. I nodded and clipped her bra again. She smiled and laid down beside me again. I traced small patterns on her body with my fingers and heard her breathing relax. She fell asleep and it was the cutest thing ever. I smiled and tried falling asleep too.


aye double update

its so hot where i live and my room is so hot i cant sleep ugh

but anyway 2 comments and 2 votes for an update cutiesss (:

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