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"I am so tired." Arielle groaned as she laid down on the couch. "Why? All you did was go out to lunch with Hannah and her mom." I chuckled. "I know." she groaned. "I'll take you upstairs." I laughed as I picked her up bridal style. I carried her up the stairs and laid her down on our bed. "Can you take my shoes off?" she giggled. I took them off and set them down as my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyways. "Hello?" I asked.

"Cameron, its Megan." she said on the other line. I walked out of the room so Arielle couldn't hear the conversation. "Why are you calling me?" I asked. "I just got back to California." she said. I didn't even say anything, I just hung up. I didn't have anything to say to her, nor did I want to talk to her. I walked back into our room and sat down on the other side of our bed. Arielle sat up and looked at me like she wanted to say something. "What?" I asked. "Who called you?" she asked. "They had the wrong number." I said.

"Oh. I need to tell you something." Arielle said as she looked down at her hands. "What?" I asked. "The other day I was walking with Kacey into the mall and I swore I saw Megan." She said. I decided to stay quiet and see what else she was going to say. "Then she came up to us and started talking to me but I ignored it until she said something about you." she said. She looked nervous. "What did she say?" I asked. "Cameron..."

"What did she say?" I asked sternly. "It was about the baby." she said as she took a deep breath. "What did she say Arielle?" I yelled. "She didn't have a miscarriage Cameron." Arielle said looking down at her shaky hands. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled. "Cameron, please calm down." Arielle said. "How are you going to tell me to calm down? Why didn't you fucking say anything?" I asked. "I don't know, I didn't want this to happen." She said. I got up and grabbed my shoes. "She's the one who just called me Arielle." I said. I turned around and Arielle was crying.

"Cameron please stop. Lets talk about this." She said. "I don't want to talk about this Arielle." I yelled. "Cameron stop yelling please." she cried. I went down the stairs and she followed behind me. I grabbed my car keys and went outside. She ran out after me and said, "Stop. Don't do this."

I started the car and flew out of the driveway, leaving my pregnant crying wife on our front porch. I was so mad and I felt bad that I was taking it out on Arielle but I couldn't control my anger.

// Arielle's Point of View \\

I knew Cameron was going to be mad, but I didn't know he was going to be that mad. After he drove away I went inside and called Hannah. "Hello?" she asked as she answered. "Hannah." I cried. "Arielle, what's wrong?" she asked. "Come over here please." I said as I tried to hold back my tears. "I'm on my way." she said quickly as she hung up. I laid down on the couch and wiped away my tears. I kept telling myself everything was going to be okay but I didn't know if it actually would be okay.

Less than 5 minutes later Hannah and Zack rushed into the house. "Arielle oh my god." Hannah said as she ran over to me. She pulled me into a hug and ran her hand soothingly up and down my back. "What's going on?" she asked. "Megan and Cameron and the baby." I choked. "Okay, breathe." she said. Once I had calmed down I explained everything that happened.

"Kacey and I ran into Megan a couple days ago and she lied to Cameron. She didn't have a miscarriage. I guess she had just called him and then he got really mad and started screaming at me before flying out of the driveway." I said. "Did he say where he was going?" Zack asked. I shook my head and looked down. "I bet I have an idea." He said standing up. "Are you going to find him?" Hannah asked. "Yeah." He said.

"I love you." Hannah said. "I love you too." Zack said before kissing her lips quickly. He left and Hannah pulled me in for another hug. "I hope he finds him. I need him." I said. "I know Ari. He will." Hannah said. We sat on the couch hugging each other as she rubbed my back. "Everythings going to be fine." Hannah said. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about it. My husband, the father of my child, also had another baby with a different woman and I couldn't do anything about it.


wow intense

i bet you didnt see that one coming did you (;

sorry for not updating. i went camping all weekend and didn't have service

2 comments and 2 votes for an update (-:

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