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// Arielle's Point of View \\

(4 months later)

"Are you excited for my movie premiere tonight?" Cameron asked me smiling. "Beyond excited." I said. I had to get a maternity dress because of how big my stomach was. Cameron was constantly making fun of me for waddling and not being able to see my toes or bend down. That and because all I ever did was eat and pee.

"Are you sure you're okay with going with Hannah? You can come with me." He said. "No, I don't want to be in the way and I'll be fine." I said reassuring him. "Okay." He nodded. I grabbed my dress and he helped me down the stairs and into the car before he took me to Hannah's house.

He started to get out of the car but I stopped him. "I can do it." I said. I unbuckled and opened the door before I tried to get out of the car. "Okay help me." I laughed. He chuckled as he walked over to me and helped me out. We walked up to the door and walked in before he walked with me up the stairs to Hannah's room. "Aw look how cute your stomach is!" Sydney smiled. I laughed as Cameron wrapped his arm around me.

"Okay, now go you have a premiere to be at!" Hannah laughed. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving." He chuckled. He kissed my lips and smiled before walking out. "Your stomach is so big and cute." Kacey said. "Thank you." I laughed. Kacey said she would curl my hair since I could barely even stand for a ling period of time.

Once she finished curling it I grabbed my dress and changed. "Can you zip this Han?" I asked. "Sure." She smiled. She zipped the back of the dress up and moved my hair. "You look gorgeous." Hannah smiled. "Thanks Hannah." I blushed. After everyone was ready the limo showed up and the guys came in to get us.

They all walked downstairs and I sat there waiting for them to notice I couldn't walk down them by myself. "Oops I forgot." Zack chuckled coming back up to get me. He helped me down and then into the limo. Once we got to the premiere Andrew helped me out of the limo and took me to the red carpet entrance.

Cameron met up with us and smiled once he saw me. "You look gorgeous." He smiled. "Thank you." I blushed. We walked down the red carpet and got our pictures taken. Cameron was supposed to go on stage and talk about his movie. "Come up there with me." He said. I shook my head and he kissed my cheek.

"Please." He pouted. "Fine." I giggled. He pulled me up onto the stage with him and eventually started talking. Halfway through his speech I felt pain shooting throughout my body. "Cameron." I said. "He looked over at me confused. "I think I'm having the baby." I said holding onto my stomach. "What?" He choked.

I laughed as I felt more pain. "I'm going into labor Cameron. I'm having our baby." I said. "Oh my god." He said as he rushed to my side. He went back over to the microphone and said, "Someone call an ambulance! My wife is in labor!"

He helped me down the stairs from the stage and we started walkint passed all the people in the movie theater. "Oh my god." I groaned. "Breathe, Arielle, breathe." He said. Everyone was staring at us not knowing what to do as we continued to walk out of the theater. Once we finally got outside they put me on the gurney and we got into the ambulance.


"Congratulations on your baby girl." The doctor smiled. They cleaned her off and wrapped her in a blanket before handing her to me. "She's so precious." I smiled. Cameron smiled at me as we looked at our baby. "We make some cute kids." He said kissing my cheek.

Once everything was okay the doctors let our friends and family in. Everyone wanted to hold her and was talking about how cute she was. "What's her name?" The nurse asked. "Hadley Renee Dallas." I smiled. "Thats a pretty name." She said. "Thank you."

"I'm exhausted." I said. "Go to sleep babe. We'll still be here when you get up." Cameron smiled. I decided I'd take that and go to sleep.


"Welcome home." Cameron smiled. He helped me out of the car and then got Hadley out before we all walked inside. Cameron helped me onto the couch and handed me Hadley before he brought all of our stuff inside. He joined us on the couch and kissed my cheek. "We make a cute family, Arielle." He smiled. "Yes we do."



I'll have the epilogue up soon but wow its over can you believe it

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