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2 weeks later

"Cameron we're leaving!" My mom yelled from the front door. "Okay. Have fun!" I yelled back. I heard the door shut and I grabbed my shoes and phone and walked over to Arielle's house. I knocked on the door and Arielle opened the door smiling.

It's been two weeks since we made up. We aren't anything more than friends but it feels great having her back in my life.

"Hi Cam." she smiled letting me in. "Hi." I said as she closed the door. "Let's go upstairs." she said grabbing my hand. Once she realized what she was doing she let go of it. I followed her up the stairs and sat down on her bed.

"Thank god you came over. Hannah and Zack are on a date and my dad and brother went roller skating. I've been so bored." she giggled sitting down. "My mom and sister just left too." I chuckled. She looked around her room and I watched her. I loved it when she blushed and smiled. Actually I loved everything about her.

"What?" She laughed. "Nothing." I said. "Why were you staring at me?" She giggled. "You're just so beautiful." I smiled. She blushed and looked down at her hands. I reached over and pushed her hair behind her ear, letting my hand rest on her cheek. She looked up and looked into my eyes.

I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I wasn't sure if she'd be okay with it. I didn't want to kiss her if she didn't want me to.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked quietly. My eyes widened in surprise. She did want me to kiss her. I closed the space between us and brushed my lips over hers. She reached up and pulled my face down to hers, crashing our lips together. They moved perfectly together. I missed the feeling of them on mine.

"Mmm." she moaned. God that noise was my weakness. I started leaning her back and she pulled me down on top of her. I licked her lip, asking for entrance, which she granted. Our mouths were exploring untouched territory.

"I missed you." she said between kisses. "I missed you too." I said as I started kissing down her neck. I stopped and sucked and then blew on it. I knew it was going to leave a mark.

She rolled us over so she was straddling me and lifted my shirt up and off. She started trying to undo my pants, but I stopped her by pulling her shirt off. She brought her lips down to mine again and I heard a door open downstairs. She pulled away gasping with bright pink cheeks.

"Arielle?" Hannah yelled. "Shit." she groaned getting off of me and grabbing her shirt off of the ground. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and tried to grab my shirt as I rebuttoned my pants.

"Uh coming." Arielle said as she tried to fix her hair. She opened her bedroom door and smiled. Hannah grinned and said, "Hey Arielle."

"Hey, uh what's up?" Arielle asked leaning against her doorframe. "Zack and I just got back from dinner and wanted to see if you wanted to hangout. We can go get Cameron too." Hannah said. "Oh, I'm kinda tired. I might just go to bed." Arielle smiled. "Really? That hickey on your neck would say otherwise." Hannah laughed.

"What?" Arielle said touching her neck. "Cameron you can come out." Hannah laughed looking into the room. I walked out and smiled. "Hey." I said. Hannah laughed. "Makeup sex must be good." Hannah smirked. "We didn't have sex." Arielle said. "Why? I'm sure you both want to." Hannah laughed.

Arielle blushed again as I smirked. "Anyways if you guys are done making out you can come hangout with us." Hannah laughed walking downstairs. I heard the front door open and then close again.

Arielle closed her bedroom door and looked in the mirror at her neck. "Cameron." she groaned. I smiled and said, "I like it. It shows everyone that you're mine."

"But I'm not." She said. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body to mine. I kissed her neck again and moved her hair. She tilted her head back making more room. "This would say otherwise." I said against her skin. She moaned and pulled my lips down to hers again. I pulled away and said, "You'll always be mine."


Well dang

Ugh I bleached some of my hair and it's not turning out how I wanted it to and i might cry and I hung out with this guy that I kinda like today and I think he might like me back omg lol

But 2 comments and 2 votes for another update

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