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"Do you have class today?" I asked Arielle as we climbed into my car. "No. I do tomorrow though." she smiled. I nodded and started the car. "We have everything right?" I asked. "I hope so." she laughed. I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back to Chino Hills. "Okay let's play a game." Arielle said.

"What game?" I asked as I looked over at her. "We're each gonna ask each other five questions and whoever gets the least amount right has to buy the other food." she said turning towards me. "I'm gonna win." I smirked. "I guess we'll find out." she smiled as she thought of a question. "Okay. When's my birthday?" She smiled. "August 12th."

"Nope. August 6th." she giggled. "Shit." I chuckled. "Yours is September 8th." she said crossing her arms. "Double shit." I laughed. "When did I meet Zack?" I smirked. "When you moved into the house you live in now?" She said unsure of her answer. "How did you know that?" I asked shocked. "I'm not sure actually." she laughed. "Uh you met Hannah when you started school?" I said more like a question.

"Kinda." she said. "I still get a point!" I yelled. "Fine, fine." she giggled. After half an hour we finally finished the game and Arielle had one. "Where do you want to eat?" I chuckled. "Hmm I don't care." she shrugged. "Well that doesn't help." I laughed as I looked at signs that said what restaurants were close by.

"Chickfila?" I asked. "Yes please." she laughed as I pulled into the parking lot. "Oh and I'll print out my biography so you can study." she giggled walking ahead of me into the restaurant. I caught up with her and said, "That's kinda creepy ya know."

She giggled and shrugged as we waited in line. Once we ordered our food and I paid we moved to the side to wait. I pulled Arielle's body closer to mine and hugged her. "Arielle?" Some guy asked walking up to us. Arielle pulled away from me and smiled. "Adam, hi." she said. They hugged and he smiled at her. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm good. How are you?" She asked him smiling. "Good." he said looking at me.

"Oh, this is my...friend Cameron." she smiled. I thought we were more than friends? "Hi, it's nice to meet you." he said. "Yep, sure is." I said grabbing our food. Arielle looked down as if this were awkward for her. "Anyways, maybe we can go to dinner or something soon?" He asked. "Maybe." she smiled. I walked away and sat down at a table. After telling him goodbye she sat down across from me.

"What the hell Cameron?" She asked. "What did I interrupt your date? Or maybe it was my friendship that made things awkward." I growled at her. "I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd be here and I panicked." she sighed. "Who is he?" I asked as I ate a french fry. "One of the guys I went on a couple dates with." she said looking away from me.

"And you told him maybe you'd go to dinner with him? Do you treat all your friends the same way you treat me?" I laughed as I took a drink. "No, I'm sorry." she said. I rolled my eyes and continued eating. "Cameron please don't be mad. I wanted to be polite so I said maybe. I don't even have his number anymore and I panicked. I didn't want to say boyfriend and then you be weirded out or something." she sighed.

"Why would I be weirded out? I love you." I said trying to meet her eyes. "I don't know. We didn't have any titles and I didn't want you to get mad at me."

"I'm not mad. I want you to be my girlfriend." I said as she finally looked at me. "And I want you to be my boyfriend." she said. "We sound like some cheesy couple. Ew." I chuckled. "You're right we do." she laughed along with me. "Well Arielle what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked smiling. "Of course." she blushed.

After we finished eating we drove the rest of the way home. It wasn't very long until we pulled into Arielle's driveway. I opened the trunk and handed her bag to her. "I'll come over in like 15 minutes." she smiled. "Can't wait." I grinned as I got back into my car and drove back over to my house. I carried my stuff inside and put it away then hopped in the shower.

I smiled knowing Arielle was finally mine again. After I had finished I dried off then wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked back into my room and Arielle was laying on my bed. "You scared me!" I laughed as I held my chest. "Sorry, your mom let me in." she giggled.

I grabbed a pair of boxers and dropped my towel to put them on. "Cameron! You should've told me to turn around!" Arielle laughed as she looked away. "You didn't have to." I shrugged. I pulled shorts on and watched as Arielle turned around again. Her cheeks were pink. I climbed onto my bed and laid down on my back. She laid down beside me and pushed herself closer to me. "Stop, I don't even like you." I groaned. "Okay fine." she said standing up.

Before she could walk away I grabbed her hips and pulled her back down on the bed. "I'm kidding." I said as I pulled her closer to me. She nuzzled her head into my neck and put her hand on my stomach. "You smell good." she commented making me smile. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead before falling asleep.



I have writers block and it sucks because I feel like my chapters have been horrible ughh

But here ya go enjoy

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