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I woke up to Arielle's alarm beeping. I hated the sound of it. She groaned and reached over, shutting it off. She sat up and yawned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "What time is your class?" I yawned. "11:30." she said. It was only 9:30. She stood up and pulled her shirt off, leaving her in only her bra and thong. I grabbed her hips and said, "Stay in bed with me."

"I wish I could." she smiled. "Only a little longer, please." I pouted pulling her back into bed. She smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled my head into her neck. "I would do anything to stay in this position all day." she said as she ran her fingers through my hair. "We could." I said. "I already missed class this week. I have to go." she sighed.

I started kissing her chest, then her neck, up to her cheeks, and then her lips. She pulled the blankets back over us and cuddled up next to me.

Half an hour later she finally got out of bed and got a shower. She came out of the bathroom in jeans and one of my long sleeve tshirts. I smiled as she walked over to me and sat beside me. I sat up and leaned forward kissing her. "Are you sure you have to go to class?" I groaned. "Yeah, I only have one class today though." she said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I shouldn't have told you that I liked when you played with my hair. You use it against me." I chuckled. "I would never!" She said standing up. "I gotta go. Do you wanna meet for lunch?" She smiled. "Sure." I smiled as I climbed out of her bed. I grabbed my shirt off of the floor and pulled it back on. I walked downstairs with her and put my shoes on.

"I'll see you later." she smiled before she kissed me. I walked back over to my house as she got into her car. She pulled up beside me and giggled. "What?" I laughed. "Nice ass." she laughed before driving away. I chuckled and walked into my house. I got a shower and changed into jeans and a long sleeve tshirt. It was windy out today and kinda cold.

Arielle said her class ended at 12:15 so I left at 12 and drove to the restaurant we were meeting at. I got a table and waited for her to come. 15 minutes later she walked in and sat down across from me. "Hi." she smiled. "Well hello miss Casper." I smirked. We ordered our food as she told me about how her class was.


"Hey dude." I said to Zack as I sat down on his couch. "What's up?" He said. Hannah and Arielle were shopping so Zack told me to come over. "Let's order some pizza." Zack said grabbing his phone. After he ordered it he sat down again and said, "So you and Arielle?"

"Yeah, we're back together." I smiled. "I knew it wouldn't be long." he said. "Have you ever thought about marriage?" I asked. "Sure, it pops into my head every once in a while. Why?" He asked. "Well I never thought I'd get married and then I think about Arielle and my heart starts beating really fast. The thought of marrying her and having kids sounds perfect." I said. "Then do it." Zack smiled. "Yeah but marriage at 19?" I sighed. "Dude, if you're happy then I say do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks."

"Thanks dude." I said. "Just let me know when you're gonna pop the question." Zack chuckled. "Sure thing." I laughed.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had softball and was super tired afterwards.

What do you think? Should they get married???

2 comments and 2 votes for an update (:

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